The 3rd workshop in this series was entitled "Dynamics and simulation of Ultra-Cold Matter" and was held at Cumberland Lodge, August 8-11, 2011. Below is a group photo, the workshop programme and the full list of participants.
Windsor2011 organisers:
Tania Monteiro (UCL), Dieter Jaksch (Oxford) and J.Ruostekoski (Soton)
Tilman Esslinger Markus Aspelmeyer
Florian Marquardt Tim Freegarde
Peter Horak Igor Mekhov
Sougato Bose Jonathan Keeling
Jens Eisert Peter Barker
Michael Koehl Lucia Hackermuller
Zoran Hadzibabic Nigel Cooper
Igor Lesanovsky Carlos Lobo
Patrik Ohberg Simon Gardiner
Stephen Clark Nic Shannon
Andrew Ho Gabriele De Chiara
German Sinuco James Millen
Mark Lee Magnus Borgh
George Pender Sarah Midgley
Angela White F.Cattanii
Justin Lovegrove Pepe Falahat
Nathan Cooper Alex Dunning
Tomi Johnson Jon Pritchard
Stefan Baur Jesper Levinsen
Hannah Price Wolfgang Niedenzu
Raimar Sandner Christoph Weiss
Tom Billam John Helm
Francisco Cordobes Aguilar