Project Definition

Climate change and environmental protection in a European context

Our Erasmus+ project will help our schools to change the environmental thinking and behaviour of people. We want to show the ecological way how to think about

a) Consumption, waste and recycling: aper, glass, plastic and microplastic, biodegradable waste, electronic waste, clothing

b) Pollution and climate change: Energy, agriculture/nutrition, traffic, climate and weather phenomena

c) The conscious use of resources at school and at home: shopping and consumption habits

The students as well as the teachers will carry out learning activites in which they find out about suitable projects dealing with sustainable livestyles and environmental protection in the different partner countries. They will also visit eco-friendly companies in the area in order to learn from them about how to develop environmentally-friendly concepts.


During two years we want to change our minds into more ecological and help our students to save our planet by changing by small steps our schools and homes. We all together can help to change the the behaviour of our families and fellows. We want to change :

- our habits

- our school

- our community


    • Teachers meeting in Stockholm - November 2019 -OK

    • Students meeting in Bratislava - March 2020 - canceled

    • Teachers meeting in Barcelona - November 2020 - postponed November 2021

    • Students meeting in Carlsbad - February 2021 - postponed June 2022

    • Students meeting in Botttrop - March 2021 - postponed May 2022

Measurable Objectives

    1. Introduction - students, school, country

    2. Investigation - questionnaire

    3. Suggestions - for all schools

    4. Results - what have we changed and how