Team Information

A Message From The Head Coach

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”

- Ernest Hemingway

Coaching Philosophy:

My coaching philosophy has been honed over the past 15 years working with young athletes to break down their goals further and further until they resemble monthly, weekly, and daily habits. My primary coaching influence is seven time NCAA champion coach, Cael Sanderson. He extrapolates this philosophy down to the moment. “Don’t focus on scoring points. You’ll find a lot more scoring opportunities by focusing on maintaining good position.” As a coach, the only goal I set for my athletes is to improve their position, daily. I firmly believe that inspiring people to develop positive learning habits leads to higher quality and more personalized opportunities, than does pushing them to establish fixed goals.

I have wrestled at some of the highest level and I have been coached by the best coaches in the US. I run practice so that I can help each wrestler improve however much they want. If your son/daughter is interested in wrestling beyond high school, I can help them achieve that. There are some really great year round wrestling opportunities in and out of our area and I will be here to help them year round. However, I understand most wrestlers will not compete post high school, and I’m excited to help them get the most out of our sport.

2019-20 CCA Wrestler Responsibilities

Eligibility: Each wrestler is required to maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA throughout the entire season to remain eligible for practices and meets. Academics come first!

Attendance and Tardiness: Excused absences/tardiness are family emergencies, family travel, sickness, extracurricular activities approved by Coach Bigrigg with a week advanced notice. Email me with wrestlers name and reason for absence at least one week before absence. If a wrestler is sick or injured, but they attend class that day, they are still required to come to practice. I will decide at the beginning of practice what they can do instead of practice.

Excused Absences: Excused absences will require 30-minute makeup conditioning session. Makeup conditioning sessions will be held each Wednesday at 7am. THIS IS NOT A PUNISHMENT. Wrestling is a physically demanding sport and I do not want athletes to fall behind.

Weight Management: Wrestling is a unique sport in the sense that it involves many factors well beyond competition or practice. Athletes are expected to maintain a healthy lifestyle and maintain a healthy wrestling weight. If athletes do miss weight during competitions, they will either not wrestler, or be bumped to the next weight class. Wrestlers will only be bumped to the next class if there is not an athlete already wrestling there. I will personally work with each wrestler to help them maintain a healthy weight.

Diet: It is vital that our wrestlers maintain a healthy diet. Wrestling practice is very tough and each wrestler needs energy to participate. Please ensure your athletes are eating a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner. I would also recommend they bring a pre-workout snack to eat one hour before practice. Your son/daughter should not be skipping meals to cut weight, with the exception of a few experienced wrestlers the day before a match. If you suspect they are skipping meals, please let me know ASAP. On Saturday 10am practices, wrestlers should be up by 8am so they can eat breakfast, and properly hydrate.

Hydration: Each wrestler must bring a water bottle to school with them, and stay hydrated throughout the day. Also, I highly recommend they bring 32 oz of sports drink and consume 16 oz, 30 mins before practice and 16 oz immediately after practice. You can purchase gatorade powder in bulk on

Weight Certification: All wrestlers in the US must certify at a healthy weight before competing. Their weight certification is a formula based on hydration level, weight, height, and body fat percentage. The formula is designed to ensure wrestlers are competing at a healthy weight. The hydration portion of this costs $10 and will be covered by the program. If athletes fail the hydration test, they will be charged $10 for the following test, and every test after that until they are cleared.

Hygiene: Wrestling mats collect funguses and bacteria so personal hygiene is very important in our sport. Wrestlers must shower ASAP after competitions, practice, or other physical activity. Additionally, athletes are expected to wear clean clothes every single practice. DO NOT WEAR THE SAME PRACTICE CLOTHES TWICE WITHOUT WASHING THEM! Also, wrestlers should wash their uniform after every competition – turn the singlet/doublet inside out before washing, use cold water, and do not dry it in the drier – let it air dry.

Tournaments and Competitions: Wrestlers and parents are expected to adhere to the six tenets of Pursuing Victory with Honor at all tournaments. (Caring, Citizenship, Fairness, Respect, Responsibility and Trustworthiness). Please refer to the SDUHSD High School Parent/ Player Athletic Handbook.

Dual meets (league and cross-league): are mandatory for all wrestlers regardless of whether or not they’re competing. Non-competing wrestlers will be asked to provide encouragement and assistance at these matches. Wrestlers will be provided school bus to attend.

Weekday away tournaments: Only wrestlers on the travel list will travel in the bus or van. All wrestlers that ride in the bus/van will return in the same vehicle, except under special circumstances. Please contact Coach Bigrigg ASAP when special circumstances arise.

Weekend away tournaments: Wrestlers are expected to provide their own transportation to Saturday tournaments with the exception of out-of-county meets.

    • Tournaments are usually 10-14 hours long so please bring homework, enough food and drink to eat, and a recording device to record their matches.

    • Leaving early from tournaments must be cleared by Coach Bigrigg

Varsity Letter: Ultimately at Coach Bigrigg’s discretion. However, these accomplishments will help my decision: qualifying for Masters playoff tournament; performing at the varsity standard level in most varsity events; captains of the varsity squad; 4-years of dedicated participation. Actions that can cause a wrestler to lose their varsity letter: multiple absences from practice; absences from scheduled tournaments; violating team or school rules; lacking a good faith effort during competition; unsportsmanlike conduct.

REPORT an Expected Absence of Practice or Competition by Clicking HERE


Athletic Department Contribution: It’s recommended to donate a minimum of $500, which is used towards the cost of travel, equipment, tournaments, and coaching stipends.

Thank you again for your willingness to adhere to all of the mentioned guidelines and requirements. Please contact Coach Bigrigg or Parent/Payer Liaison Doug Burke with any questions. We appreciate your support. Please attend all the meets and cheer on the Ravens!

Coach Mike Bigrigg


Parent/Player Liaison Doug Burke
