Computational Chemistry (CC) Symposium

-The main symposium of ICCMSE 2016-

17-20 March 2016

Metropolitan Hotel

Athens, Greece

Honorary Lecture

Robert A. Evarestov (St. Petersburg State University, RUSSIA)

Cleanthes A. Nicolaides (National Hellenic Research Foundation, GREECE) CV research gate

Wim C. Nieuwpoort (University of Groningen, THE NETHERLANDS)

ICCMSE Invited Speaker

Paul Mezey (Memorial University of Newfoundland, CANADA)

From Chair

We welcome you to participate in the international symposium “Computational Chemistry (CC)”, which will be held as the main symposium in ICCMSE 2016. Our aim is to offer an opportunity to build a scientific friendship through interdisciplinary discussion, between computational, experimental and theoretical chemists from all around the world. Outstanding active scientists will present their recent studies. The cooperation of emeritus professors is indispensable and very important. We look forward to seeing you in Athens.


Computational and Experimental Chemistry

-Materials Science: nano material, catalyst, magnet, macromolecule, ion conductor, cluster etc

-Biological Science: protein, DNA, enzyme, pharmacy etc

-Chemical Reaction: intense light field, spectroscopy, dynamics etc

Theoretical Chemistry (Physics)

-quantum theory, method development

We welcome experimental chemists related to computational chemistry

or planning collaboration with computational chemists.

The cutting-edge experimental research will be presented in CC symposium.

AIP conference proceedings of ICCMSE 2016

Estimated participants

Over 120 persons