Cape Bretoners in World War Two

Welcome to the redesigned site. Google Sites has a new format and all websites must be transferred prior to 1 September 2021. Unfortunately I failed to activate the links at that time but all links should be live now. Please contact me if any links do not work.

This website is a summary of the people I currently have in my database of 16, 172individuals from Cape Breton who served in World War Two, including 541 that served in the Canadian Merchant Navy. If you can add any information at all to those listed, add missing individuals, provide corrections, etc., please contact me at or fill in the form on my Cape Bretoners At War homepage. Thanks to the help of all those that have already contributed to the site thus far (see below), I have added over 4000 individuals since going on line in March 2006. I will continue to make additions and make updates as time goes by and hopefully on a regular basis. I have estimated that about 16,000 Cape Bretoners served in uniform and an unknown number served in the Canadian Merchant Navy. That is why I am still requesting any help you can give me to make it a complete list of those that served. For an explanation of details, and list of information I would like to include in my database, see my background page, list of rank abbreviations and list of unit abbreviations pages. I have included a statistics page to keep track of my progress. It contains a comparison to the estimated numbers who served and the numbers in my database. I include fatal casualties and veterans’ deaths from obituaries, etc. in my database to determine the numbers of veterans still living. Currently I have nominal lists of those that served on the website plus details of fatal casualties. I plan to include in the future details of veterans as well but I don’t plan on including any personal information for individuals that are still living and will withhold it until they are deceased for at least a year. Look for these in future updates.


Thanks very much for your cooperation. Your input is very much appreciated.

William Anderson; Ann {for Gouthro}; John R. AuCoin; Joe Barrett; Dennis Barrie; Shaun Barry; Wilf Bates; Robert Baxter; Amar Beauchamp; Nicole Bisson; Betty Blinkhorn; Valerie Bobyk; Raimondo Bogaars; Harvey Bond; Helen Boudreau; Jaime Boudreau; Noel Bramwell; George Brown; Peggy Bruce-LeBlanc; Brenda Burke; Dennis Burke; Murdock Burton; Shirley Burton; Ken Cairns; Allan Cameron; Bernardine Campbell; Leo Campbell; Donald L. Campbell; Bill Cann; Ann Capstick; Gordon Cann; Carol (tweetybird); Paula Carr; Storn Chandoisseau; Margaret Cooke; Karen Cooper; Julie Cote; Sandra Cotie; Anna and Joe Cox; Beverly Darby-Brown; Muriel M. Davidson; Wayne Davidson; Clarence Dawe; Norma Day; Madeleine Dee; Deanna Deveaux; Dennis DeWilde; Peggy Dominique; Stephanie Douglas; Elizabeth Drake; Edith [MacDonald]; Veronica Eldridge; Donna Foster; Janice Fralic-Brown; Charles Fraser; George Fraser; Roberta Fraser; Lori Gallant; Tina Gentile; Allan J. Gillis; David J. Gillis; Gordon Gillis; Allene Goforth; Heath Gouthro; Darlene Graham; Mary Grant; Palmer Griffiths; Peter Groves; John & Tanya Harder; Ed Hastings; Helen Hawley; Maria Heemskerk; George Holbeche; Hugh {for MacArthur}; John Ingram; Michele Jessome; John Johnson; Russell Johnson; Margaret Karrer; John A. Kennedy; Michael Keylor; Elizabeth Lapointe; Jim Laffin; Maddy Laffin; Bernie LeBlanc; Jean LeBlanc; Gail Leonardo; Sandy Lipkus; Tina Logan; William MacAulay; Sgt. A.S. MacDonald; John C. MacDonald; Linda D. MacDonald; Susan MacDonald; Wendy MacDonald; Xie MacDonald; James B. MacIntosh; Charles MacIntyre; Howard MacIntyre; Judy MacIntyre; Charles MacIsaac; Sandra MacIsaac; Ken MacIvor; A. Ross MacKay; Marsha MacKay; Ray MacKay; Duncan MacKeigan; Angus MacLean; Carol MacLean; David MacLean; Lynn MacLean; Anne MacNeil; Robert G. MacNeil; Andrew MacPherson; Yvonne MacPherson; Donna MacRury; Glenn MacSween; Wilma Marche; Ray Markotjohn; William H. Marks; Joyce Mason; Lucy Matheson; Gerry Mattinson; Donna Maxwell; Dan McCaffery; Marilyn McCulloch; Bruce McDonald; Dallas McDonald; Jim McGrady; Kay McIntosh; Margaret McLean; Stewart McLoughlin; David K. McMullen; Maureen McNeil; Orva (Hall) McNeil; Sandy Meikle; Joan Mikkelsen; Daniel Mombourquette; Paul Montpetit; Carol Morris; Alex Morrison; Dale Morrison; Glen Morrison; David Murphy; Jason Murphy; Sheila Naylor; David Nicholas; Jane Nicholson; Rita Offer; Lucy O'Hearn-Grant; Ken Oursin; Ian Parker; Neilene Peck; Kevin Podgursky; J. Henri Poirier; Dave Porter; Don Pottie; Harold Pretty; Dan Quinn; Denise Raine; Linda (Johnson) Read; Burnie Reynaert; Daniel Rich; Gord Ripley; James E. Roberts; George Rose; Caroline and Donald Ross; Walter Ross; Brennan Rossinni; Gwen Rudderham; Leo Saccary; Tricia (Gillis) Senior; Nigel Service; Eileen Shea; Margaret Shepherd; Susan Slykhuis; Tanya Smith; Lori Spencer; Kevin Strong; Lark Szick; Dave Tanner; Patricia Tattrie; Alf & Jean Tavanaee; Judith Taylor; Robert Taylor; Brian Tennyson; Jean Thompson; Linda Thorne; Diana Lynn Tibert; Daryl Timmons; Tina {for Trenchard}; Roger Tobin; Dave Tonet; Molly and Lawrence Troke; Teresa Vallieres; Stan Wadden; Colin Waye; Randy Wells; Phyllis (MacGregor) Welsh; Joe Whalen; Agnes Wilton; Terry Wojick; Pat Wolstenholme; Fred Wolodka; Lawren Wowk; Mike Young

Wayne Macvicar, Mira Gut, NS ( page last updated 13 Aug 2021New Web page created 13 Aug 2021Web page created 23 Mar 2006© 2006-2016 Wayne Macvicar