Playing the Game

Starting the game

Players fill in the "U" pieces of the pie, representing the unknown or unmeasured exposures unique to each player and defining which pies the player is potentially susceptible to during the game.

Players fill in any component cause that is present from birth (e.g., genes, race/ethnicity, etc.).

Game play

Pull 1 component cause out of the box at random. Read the group number and exposure out loud. Players in that group fill in the corresponding exposure on their card (if they have it).


Players who fill in a complete pie yell out that they have the disease.

Options for ending the game

  • All component causes have been drawn

  • All or a certain number of players have the disease

  • A certain amount of time has elapsed

Winners and losers

Players often ask if they win the game when they complete a pie. We prefer to tell them that in Causal Pie Bingo!, there are only losers.