Proof Meets Truth

Meeting on the Foundations of Mathematics and Computer Science

12th May 2017. Bath

Meeting of Bath's Mathematical foundations of computation group, and Bristol's Foundational Studies Bristol group.

Main organiser: Can Baskent

Chancellor's building

room: CB 3.15

10-10.10.00 Introduction

10:10-10.40 Can Baskent - Paradoxes in Games

10:40-11.00 Johannes Stern - Supervaluational style truth

11.00-11.30 Break

11:30-12.00 John Power - Logic Programs as Coalgebras

12.00-12.30 James Ladyman - Homotopy type theory

12.30-2.00 Lunch

2.00-2.30 Jim Laird - Games and dependent type theory

2.30-3.00 Kentaro Fujimoto - Some recent developments in class theory

3.00-3.10 Break

3.10-3.40 Alessio Gugliemi - What Is Wrong with Analyticity in Gentzen's Proof Theory and How to Fix It

3.40-4.10 Philip Welch - A Church's thesis for polynomial time computation on omega-strings

4.10-4.30 Break

4.30-5.00 Guy McCusker - Incomplete information and uniformity in game semantics

5.00-5.30 Catrin Campbell-Moore - Self-Referential Probability

5.30- pub