About Me

I recognize that it takes courage to take the first step to find a counsellor or therapist from a brief profile and that it is important that you feel comfortable with the relationship you have with your counsellor/therapist. Why me? I have many years experience as a therapist working in the NHS and now in private practice. I offer a warm empathic space where you can explore your thoughts and feelings and be listen to without judgement.

I have worked with individuals on a short and long term basis,with issues such as depression, relationship difficulties, bereavement, panic attacks, generalized anxiety, low self esteem and fertility issues. I also work with students in training. You may feel that you do not have a specific problem but you would like to do some personal development work or explore aspects of spirituality that are relevant to you. As a transpersonal therapist I believe that body, mind and spirit are all important and affect one another. I also work in health care and have helped people with employment related difficulties.

I adapt my approach to the needs of the individual whether this is exploring the past, or your present challenges or choices or exploring the meaning of your unique experience. The session belongs to you and you can come for as many sessions as you feel that you need. I may also work with active imagination and dreams if this feels right for you. You are welcome to ring me for an initial discussion.

I offer evening appointments some daytime appointments are possible, and I live close to the university and hospital with ample street parking.

In addition to 5 years training to Master's degree level and over 20 years experience as a therapist, I have accessed regular ongoing professional development. I have also completed two trainings in spiritual I am a member of the UKCP and adhere to their code of ethics.