About Cates Hill

Community Garden project

We've done a fair bit of work on planning for a Community Garden in the Cates Hill Neighbourhood Park. If you're interested in helping to move the project ahead, please contact Jennifer Hall (2093) or Owen Plowman (9007).

Building Design Covenant and Guidelines

Many of the buildings in the Cates Hill area are required to conform to a Design Covenant (PDF file; 1.6 Mb) that incorporates Design Guidelines, established in 1999.

Landscape Design

In order to maintain a distinctive residential environment that's consistent with Bowen Island's Official Community Plan (OCP), a Landscape Design manual has been developed for the neighbourhood. This provides much useful information about issues that you should consider when thinking about changes to your personal landscape, and also lists various species that will do well in our climate.

There's also a Vegetation Covenant that was put in place in 1999, covering the Cates Hill area.


There are a number of trails around the neighbourhood. Many are public, while some have more restricted use. You can see where they are on this map (PDF file; 1.6Mb)