Full list

PUBLICATIONS AND R&R IN PEER-REWIED JOURNALS  (classification according to ECB ranking)


Equity versus Bail-in Debt in Banking: An Agency Perspective (with K. Nikolov, J. Suarez), Under Revision for Resubmission to the JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION 

Housing Market Dynamics: Any News? ( with S. Gomes) Working Paper 1775, European Central Bank, 2015. ON LINE APPENDIX. Under Revision for Resubmission to the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CENTRAL BANKING

Collateral Requirements: Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Macro-Prudential Policy Working Paper 201211 Banco de Portugal, 2012. Under Revision for Resubmission to MACROECONOMIC DYNAMICS


How Much Capital Should Bank Hold? (with K. Nikolov, J. Rubio-Ramirez, J. Suarez,  and D. Supera)  in press, Research Bulletin Article, nr. 80, European Central Bank, 2021.

On the Interction between Monetary and Macroprudential Policies (with A. Martin and A. Van der Ghote), in press, Discussion Paper, European Central Bank.

Policy Uncertainty, Lender of Last Resort and the Real Economy (with M. Jasova and D. Supera)  accepted Journal of Monetary Economics.

Expectation-Driven Cycles and the Changing Dynamics of Unemployment (with A. D'Agostino and F. Puglisi) accepted Journal of Money Credit and Banking. ON LINE APPENDIX.


Bank Capital in the Short and in the Long Run (with K. Nikolov, J. Suarez,  and D. Supera), Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 115, November 2020, Pages 64-79 


Inflation Dynamics and Adaptive Expectations in an Estimated DSGE Model. (with Paolo, G, Iskraev, N. and Lansing K.) Journal of Macroeconomics, Volume 59, January 2019. Pages 258-277. 


Optimal Inflation with Corporate Taxation and Financial Constraints (with D. Finocchiaro, G. Lombardo and P.Weil), Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 95, May 2018, Pages 18-31.

Optimal Dynamic Capital Requirements (with K. Nikolov, J. Suarez,  and D. Supera), Journal of Money Credit and Banking. Volume 50, May 2018, Pages 1271-1297.  ON LINE APPENDIX.

Risk Shocks in a Small Open Economy: Business Cycle Dynamics in Canada ( with Y. Zhang) Economic Modelling, Volume 72, June 2018, Pages 391-409 

Benefits and costs of liquidity regulation (with Marie Hoerova, Glenn Schepens, Kalin Nikolov and Skander Van den Heuvel), Discussion Paper 2169, European Central Bank, 2018.


Monetary Policy Shocks: We Got News! (with S. Gomes and N. Iskrev) Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 74, January 2017, Pages 108–128. APPENDIX

Expectations-Driven Cycles in the Housing Market (with Luisa Lambertini and Maria Teresa Punzi), Economic Modelling, Volume 60, January 2017, Pages 297-312.

Capital Regulation: Lessons from a Macroeconomic Model (with C. Mendicino and D. Supera) In: Achieving Financial Stability Challenges to Prudential Regulation, 2017 chapter 10, pages 121-131 World Schientific Publishing Co.

Low Inflation in the Euro Area: Causes and Consequences, Occazional Paper 181, January 2017.  Final report of the ESCB expert group studying the causes of Low Inflation. https://www.ecb.europa.eu/pub/economic-research/research-networks/html/researcher_lift.en.html

The Crisis, Ten Years After: Lessons Learnt for Monetary and Financial Research (with Beyer, A. Coeuré, B.),  ECONOMIE ET STATISTIQUE / ECONOMICS AND STATISTICS N° 494-495-496, 2017.


Housing Collateral, Residential Investment and the Canadian Business Cycle (with I. Christensen, P. Corrigan and S. Nishiyama) February 2016, vol. 49 nr. 1, Canadian Journal  of Economics.  Also Bank of Canada wp 2009/26

Financial Shocks, Comovement and Credit Frictions (with D.Finocchiaro), Economics Letters, Volume 143, June 2016, Pages 20–23.

Literature Review on Integration of Regulatory Capital and Liquidity Instruments, Working Papers of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 30, March 2016.

Capital requirements in a model for the SSM area with three layers of default (with Colciago, A., Fahr, S. , Hurtado, S., Mendicino, C., Nikolov, K., Supera, D.) Macroprudential Bulletin, European Central Bank, vol. 1 ,2016.


Assessing Capital Regulation in a Macroeconomic Model with Three Layers of Defaults (with L. Clerc, S. Moyen, A. Derviz, K. Nikolov, L. Stracca,  J. Suarez,  and A.Vardoulakis) International Journal of Central Banking, June 2015, Pages 9-63. Discussion by Nobuhiro Kiyotaki

The Domestic and the International Effects of Deleveraging in the Financial and non-financial sectors (with F. Canova, L. Coutinho, E. Pappa, M.T. Punzi and D. Supera), EC report, 2015.


House Prices, Capital Inflows and Macroprudential Policy (with Maria Teresa Punzi), Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 49, December 2014, Pages 337–355.

Financial and Economic Downturns in OECD Countries (with Markus Haavio and Maria Teresa Punzi) Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 21(6), 2014, Pages 407-412.

Heterogeneous Firms and the Impact of Government Policy on Welfare and Informality  (with M. Prado) Economics Letters, Volume 124, Issue 1, July 2014, Pages 151-156

House Prices Expectations, ECB-Research Bulletin 21, 2014.

The 3D Model: a Framework to Assess Capital Regulation (with L. Clerc, S. Moyen, A. Derviz, K. Nikolov, L. Stracca,  J. Suarez,  and A.Vardoulakis), Economic Bulletin, Banco de Portugal, June 2014.

Macroprudential capital tools: assessing their rationale and effectiveness (with L. Clerc, S. Moyen, A. Derviz, K. Nikolov, L. Stracca, J. Suarez,  and A.Vardoulakis),  Financial Stability Review, Banque de France, April 2014.


Leaning Against Boom-Bust Cycles in Credit and Housing Prices: Monetary and Macroprudential Policy  (with Luisa Lambertini and Maria Teresa Punzi), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Volume 37, Issue 8, August 2013, Pages 1500–1522. 

Expectations-Driven Cycles in the Housing Market: Evidence from Survey Data (with Luisa Lambertini and Maria Teresa Punzi) Journal of Financial Stability, Vol. 9(4), December 2013, Pages 518-529.

House Prices, Credit Growth, and Excess Volatility: Implications for Monetary and Macroprudential Policy (with Paolo Gelain and Kevin Lansing), International Journal of Central Banking, Volume 9, Number 2, June 2013, Pages 219-276.

Price-level Targeting Rules and Financial Shocks: the Case of Canada (with A. Dib and Y. Zhang), Economic Modelling, Volume 30, January 2013, Pages 941–953.

Financial shocks and the macroeconomy: heterogeneity and non-linearities (with A. D’Agostino, M. Cervena, M. Ciccarelli, P. Guarda, M. Haavio, K.Hubrich, P. Jeanfils, E. Ortega, M. Valderrama, M. Valentinyiné),  Working Group in Econometric Modelling, ECB Occassional Paper Series, 143, January 2013.

Confidence and economic activity: the case of Portugal (with M.T.Punzi),  Economic Bulletin, BdP, Winter 2013.


On the Amplification Role of Collateral Constraints  Economics Letters,  Volume 117, Issue 2, November 2012, Pages 429–435.


Boom-Boom-bust Cycles and Stabilization Policy oom-bust Cycles and Stabilization Policy (with M.T.Punzi), December 2011, Conference volume BoK-BIS Conference on Macroprudential Regulation and Policy.

Stabilization Policy and Boom-Bust Cycles - Monetary and Macro-Prudential Rules, (with M.T.Punzi),  Economic Bulletin, BdP, Summer 2011.


Housing Market and Macroeconomic Boom-Bust Cycles (with M.T.Punzi), Moneda y Crédito, vol. 230, 2010. ISSN:0026-959X. 

Financial Frictions in NCBs Macroeconomic Models (with M. Jonsson, A. Locarno P. McAdam and C.Thomas),  Working Group in Econometric Modelling, ECB Report, 2010.


Monetary Policy Expectations and Boom-Bust Cycles in the Housing Market, Economic Bulletin, BdP, Spring 2009.

The Role of Collateral Contraints in the Transmission of Shocks,  Monetary Policy Briefing Box, BdP, Spring 2009.


Financial Market Imperfections, Business Cycle Fluctuations and Economic Growth, The Economics Institute for Research EFI, ISBN: 91-7258-705-9. 2006.