Flookburgh Men 1


Henry Richard Atkinson. Private. 2386, 1st/4th Bn., King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment). Killed in action, 1st August 1916, when the King's Own were in front of Guillemont on the Somme, France. Age 22. Pte. Atkinson was awarded the 1914-15 Star and was in France on 17th July 1915. He was a house painter who lived at Quarry Flat and was "killed in the trenches". He is commemorated on the Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France. Panel and Face 5D & 12B.

He was born in Everton and enlisted at Ulverston. He was the son of Henry Richard Atkinson, a policeman, of Whitewell Cottage, Flookburgh, Cark-in-Cartmel, Lancs. and the late Martha Atkinson.


Richard Bayliff. Sapper.165057. 219th Field Coy., Royal Engineers. Killed in action on 11th February 1917. Age 31. He was born at Cark and enlisted in Ulverston. Son of Richard and Elizabeth Bayliff; he was a painter and paperhanger married to Emily Bayliff, of Holker. Prior to his marriage in 1913, to Emily Burrow, he had lived with his widowed mother at Bank House, where she kept a grocer and confectioners shop. 219 Field Coy. were attached to 32nd Division for most of the war.

He is buried at MAILLY WOOD CEMETERY, Somme, France. Grave Reference: II. E. 6.


Michael Bayliff. Private.14141. 7th Bn., King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regt.).14th December 1915. The 1911 census shows Michael living with his family at Low Row in Cark, a single man working as a stonebreaker born in the early to mid 1880s. His parents were George and Elizabeth Bayliff. Private Bayliff went to France on 17th July 1915. He is buried at ST. VAAST POST MILITARY CEMETERY, RICHEBOURG-L'AVOUE, Pas de Calais, France. Grave Reference: II. G. 3.

George Benson. Nothing found yet.

William Benson. Private 8531. 1st Bn., King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regt.) Died in hospital at Rouen on the 3rd of March 1915, after being wounded on 10th February. He had been a regular soldier, having been in India for six years. He had left the army and was called up as a reservist. He arrived in France on September 20th 1914 and was awarded the 1914 Star. He was a Flookburgh man, his mother being Mrs. J. Parker of Flookburgh.

He is buried at St. Sever Cemetery, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France. Grave Reference: A.4.20.

Furness Railway Memorial, Barrow Station.

Anthony Blair is also named on the Furness Railway Memorial, Barrow Station, note WW2 shrapnel damage.

Anthony Blair. 3024. Private, Depot, The King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment). The son of Anthony, a builder, and Catherine Blair, born in 1888, he appears as a 12 year old boy on the 1901 census, living at home in Flookburgh with his parents and 14 year old sister, Margaret. He is listed as a stonemason in 1911, single and living at home with his mother, who kept the Station Inn at Cark. He died at Westgate Hospital, Westgate-on-Sea near Margate, Kent on 27th March 1916. Born in Allithwaite he enlisted at Ulverston and was buried with a military funeral in Ulverston Cemetery, Grave J. CE. 326.