Cartins in the Public Record

1 Edward Cartin: World War 1. (1897 -1917)

2 James Cartin : World War 1. (c1897 -1917)

3 Co. Wexford Graveyard Cartons

4 Saint Macartan (MacCartin) ( ? - 505)

5 Carlos Durán Cartín (c 1850- c 1899)

6 American Civil War Cartins (c1860)

7 Hester Carton (1666- ?)

8 Councillor William C Cartin

9 Alderman Michael Carten

10 Paul Cartin (1981 - )

11 Rev. John A. Cartin (1938–1952)

12 Henri Cartan (1904-2008)

13 Elie Cartan (1869- 1951)

14 Thomas J Cartin

15 Mickey Cartin (1947- )

16 Sydney Carton (fictional - c 1793)            

17  Andrew Jackson Cartin Jr  (c 1945 -      )                               

18  Richard Cartin (c 1815 -        )

19 Rorie O'Cartan (c 1663)

20 Patrick O'Cartan (c 1663)

21 1796 Flaxgrowers' List for Co. Londonderry [T3419]

22 John Cartin and Hugh Cartin 1872

23 Michael Cartin Killycorr 1822

24 Sean O Cartain 1419

25 Donal O Cartain  1401

26 Padraig O Cartean 1465

27 Fr John Cartin circa 1956

1. Edward Cartin. Wounded in action World War 1 on 29th April 1916 again in 1917 but died of further wounds on 13th Oct 1918 aged 21 and is interred in St Sever Cemetery Extension Rouen France. 5th/6th Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers Regimental Number 26544. His name is recorded on the Diamond War Memorial Derry. He was born in Glendermott in Derry.

2.  James Cartin He is the brother of Edward above and of the Royal Irish Regiment was also killed in the First World War on 20 Oct 1917. Regimental Number 26544 2307. His name is recorded on the Diamond War Memorial Derry. Born Templemore he is interred at Croisilles Railway Cemetry, Pas de Calais France at Grave number I.B.24. Additional information has been provided by Eamon Carton whose Great Uncles these men are. I quote from Eamonn, " When I went to France to the war graves, I'd been given some information from the Apprentice Boys of Derry and from a man who studied British Army Regiments from the Bogside; he was able to tell me how James was killed. I was so glad that I did it and it was a wonderful experience, especially that they had not been forgotten and I was probably the only nearest relative alive that had stood in those graveyards." Email 04102010.

3. Co. Wexford Graveyard

The information on the stones in this graveyard were transcribed by Brian Cantwell in May 1979. The church and graveyard are situated approx. 1 mile to the south of Monaseed at Craanhill. Monaseed is on the Barony of Gorey, civil parish of Kilnahue and Poor Law Union or Civil Registration District of Gorey. Mr. Cantwell transcribed stones that had pre 1880 years on them, plus any other stones standing beside these pre 1880 stones with the same surname and a later year.

Cartan Catherin  Cartan Patrick  Cartan Peter  Cartin Mary  Carton Bridget  Carton James


4. Saint Macartan (MacCartin)

Saint Macartin (1) (in Irish is Aedh mac Carthin) was an early disciple and companion of Saint Patrick during the latter's missions into pagan territory. He is said to have been consecrated bishop of Clogher in Tyrone by Patrick in 454. It is said the Saint Brigid, Macartin's niece, was present at the founding of the see. He died c. 505; feast day formerly March 24.

Macartin is also one of the earliest Irish saints to be known as a miracle-worker. His holiness is revealed not so much by any vita, which are non-existent, but by the high veneration in which he is held. Saint Bede records that the earth was taken from his grave as holy relics. His Office is the only one to survive from an Irish source.

A reliquary, called the Great Shrine of Saint Mac Cairthinn, which was designed to contain relics of the True Cross as well as his bones, has been altered over the centuries but still survives as the "Domnach Airgid" in the National Museum. It's inner yew box was given to Macartin by Patrick together with the latter's episcopal staff and Bible.

The Cloch-Oir (Golden Stone), from which this ancient diocese takes its name, was a sacred ceremonial stone to the druids. It was given to Macartin by an old pagan noble, who had harassed Macartin in every possible way until the saint's patient love won the local ruler to the faith. The stone is still preserved and the noble's son, Tighernach of Clones, succeed Macartin as bishop (Benedictines, D'Arcy, Farmer, Healy, Kenney, Montague, Muirhead, Needham).

Sean McCartan (2) address the question: "Does the surname McCartan have any links with Saint McCartan?” as follows:


Although both names are similarly spelled there is absolutely no connection. Understandable confusion prevails in Loughinisland. Here the parish church is called after Saint Macartan whereas the ancient church overlooking the lough (referred to locally as McCartan's chapel) is named after the McCartan sept who ruled Kinelarty from here for over 600 years.The origin of the McCartan sept is well documented. They belonged to Clanna Rory as did the McGuinneses and the Gilmores.

The surname most likely linked to the saint is Mc Carron - mostly found in counties Armagh, Monaghan and Donegal. Anglicisation played havoc with such similarly sounding Irish surnames. Many historians believe that Mc Carron and the surname Cartin (North Derry) have the same origin. As for Saint Macartan's Origin the modern barony of Tirkeeran in North County Derry owes its name to a people known as the Ui MacCairthin of Lough Foyle. The Irish for this barony Tir Cairthin translates 'land of Cairthin'. Named after the sacred mountain ash tree, this sept was very powerful in the North Sperrins/Donegal area prior to 700 A.D. Nomadic branches of this sept left their mark as far south as Counties Leitrim and Meath. An ogham stone with a Mac Cairthin inscription was found at Paynestown, County Meath and is now in the National Museum. This stone marked the grave of an ancient chieftain pre 7th century. By the end of the 8th century the Mac Cairthin sept had ceased to have an independent kingdom and gradually became part of the powerful Cineal Owen. The Cineal Owen from their northern base attacked the Co. Down area for centuries and had many battles with the McCartan's of County Down. St. Mac Cairthin belonged to the Donegal-Derry sept although his name is often spelled similarly to that of the County Down Mc Cartans.

Known as Aidus, this saint was born a pagan. He was converted to christianity by Saint Patrick, who enrolled him amongst his missionary staff. Henceforth known by his patronym MacCairthin he soon became a priest. When St. Patrick became worn out by his labours MacCairthin would sometimes carry him on his broad shoulders over rough ground and marshes. Often he was referred to as the "Strongman". When Mac Cairthin became too old for this task St. Patrick appointed him Bishop of Clogher. This was an area of great importance neighbouring the chieftains of Orghialla. The rest of his life was devoted to the government of his monastery and diocese. His biographers represented him as very meek with a kind deposition. He is accredited with having performed a number of remarkable miracles. In the Diocese of Clogher Cathedrals, Churches and Schools perpetuate the name of this great saint.


In the Church of Ireland Diocese of Clogher there are two Cathedrals (two is unusual in a Diocese of any faith); St. Macartin's Cathedral Enniskillen and St. Macartan's in Clogher. In 1923 (3) during Bishop MacManaway's time St Anne's Parish Church, Enniskillen was designated St Macartin's Cathedral with the intention of replacing the cathedral at Clogher. (His brother was then rector of Enniskillen!) However Clogher cathedral was never reduced to parish church status and so Clogher diocese has the unique distinction of having two diocesan cathedrals.

5. Carlos Durán Cartín

Carlos Durán Cartín was an accomplished doctor of medicine who had trained in London, was acting President of Costa Rica for a period of six months from 1889 to 1890, during the administration of President Bernardo Soto Alfaro, who never resigned but didn't come back to office until the end of his term. There is no established Irish connection for this man. The name Cartin or sometimes Cartan occurs in the Spanish and French populations. A particular example is my correspondent, philologist Lizbeth Cartin Valle and her family. Their ancestor Tatcher Tarche; maternal name Cartin arrived in Costa Rica in the late seventeenth century and settled in Carthage there.4 This is a comparatively short distance from Virginia USA where there was a Cartin population many of whom served in the civil war. One could also speculate on who was on board from the Flight of the Earls which took place in 1607 from the Donegal part of the sept territory and how they may have made their way via Spain to South America..

6. American Civil War 1860s (5)

7. Hester Carton

Hester Carton christened at the Church of  St John the Evangelist, Dublin, on April 17th 1666.

English Cartons were sometimes Huguenot. A family of French refugees called Kartane, but later anglicised to Carton, fleeing the persecution of protestants on the continent, settled in Dublin in about the year 1680. Later the name spread to Wexford and nameholders were probably responsible for establishing the village called Carton in County Kildare.

8. Councillor W C Cartin

Councillor William C Cartin was elected to Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council for the Halewood East constituency representing labour in 2004.

9. Alderman Michael Carten

Alderman Michael Carten elected Mayor of Limavady Council on 8th June 2010. (6)

10. Paul Cartin

Paul Cartin played Gaelic football for Derry winning a National league title with them. He was born in 1981 and played his club football for Banagher."

11. Rev. John A. Cartin (1938–1952)

Rector (1938- 1952) of the Roman Catholic High School of Philadelphia which opened in 1890 as an all-male High School in Philadelphia US.A (7) 

12. Henri Cartan

Born in France Cartan was a mathematician famous for his work on algebraic toplogy. Among his many honours was his membership of the French Academy of Sciences. (8)

13 Elie Cartan

Élie Cartan was born in the village of Dolomieu in France, the son of a blacksmith. The father of Henri Cartan, he too was a prominent mathematician specialising in Lie Theory. He retired as a Professor at the Sorbonne.

14 Thomas J Cartin

Thomas Cartin writes on Quality Management and published "Principles and Practice of Organisational Performance Excellence". He is a graduate of George Washington University USA.

15 Mickey Cartin

Discerning Art Collector and gallery owner in USA (10); see "The Cartin Collection". He is president of an electric supply company in Hartford CT.

16 Sydney Carton

The main character in Dickens "Tale of Two Cities", he takes the place of Darnay on the guillotine. The book opens with the much quoted; "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..... etc." and ends with: "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known".

17 Andrew Jackson Cartin Jr                                                                                                        Holds patents  for microwave products eg Patent number: 4675621 and owns a significant business in this  field. (11)

18 Richard Cartin                                                                                                                          In the April Assizes of 1815  Richard Cartin and Michael Kane were sentenced to hang in Derry gaol for robbing a man of his gun  but Richard Cartin hanged  himself in his cell. (12)

19 Rorie O'Cartan

The Hearth money returns for Cumber parish, 1740, show Rorie O'Cartan of Culdoige (Kildoag) as having one hearth. (13)

20 Patrick O'Cartan

The Hearth money returns for Cumber parish show Patrick O'Cartan of Culdoige (Kildoag) as having one hearth. Historian Bobby Forrest notes that these are the only "Cartin Carton" variants for the whole county at the time  and  this  suggests that this variant was the  common one in use then, with the O' being dropped later.(13)

21   1796 Flaxgrowers' List for Co. Londonderry [T3419] [Sorted by Surname Barony and Parish

Record, No., Surname, [Standardised], Surname as spelt in Flaxgrowers List

No. of Wheels /Looms

1813 Carlin Kirlan James Tirkeeran Cumber 1 wheel.

1763 Carlton Carlton Charles Tirkeeran Cumber 1 wheel.

2693 Carton Carten Charles Keenaght Dungiven [Dungivin] 1 wheel.

3330 Carton M'Carton Thomas Tirkeeran Clondermot [Glendermot] 4 wheels.

3537 Carton Cartin Bryan Tirkeeran Clondermot [Glendermot] 2 wheels.

3658 Carton Karten James Tirkeeran Clondermot [Glendermot] 2 wheels.

1531 Carton Carton Peter Tirkeeran Cumber 2 wheels.

1546 Carton Carton Bryan Tirkeeran Cumber 2 wheels.

2946 Carton Carton John Tirkeeran Faughanvale  (14)

22 John Cartin and Hugh Cartin 1872

Memorial to the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers, London, from their Tenantry on the Manor of Walworth, County of Londonderry. (15)

23 Michael Cartin Killycorr 1822

Leases for a term of 21 years from the 1st November 1822. More Fishmongers Leases abstracted by Peter A. Kincaid, Fredericton, NB, Canada:MS 5571, Guildhall Library, London.  Fishmongers Court Minute Books, Vol. 13, 5 February 1824 to 29 September 1828.

24 Sean O Cartain 1419

Clerical records of the Roman Catholic church.

25 Donal O Cartain  1401

In the clerical records of the Roman Catholic church he is also recorded as Donal O'Cartean in 1431.“In 1401 Donal O Cartàin was vicar of Banagher (citing Derry Clergy & Parishes JB Leslie (Enniskillen 1939)). He obtained a dispensation as the son of a priest, was made a canon of the Derry diocese with a probend (stipend) on 13th August. He became rector of Aghadowey in 1414, while still a vicar in 1431 (sic).  In 1431 Donald O’Carthean (probably the same as the one described by Philip Donnelly in his Bne named under 1401) obtained the position of vicar at the same time as he was rector of Aghadowey. (16)

26 Padraig O Cartean 1465

Clerical records of the Roman Catholic church. He is also recorded Patrick O Korton and O Cartain 1465 and John O Keartean 1419. See 25 above.

27 Fr John Cartin

Fr John Cartin as a parish priest in East Falls USA and officiated at the wedding of Grace Kelly to Prince Rainier 1956. His grandfather lived in Moneyhaughan  Park and married  Bridget Forrester in 1853.





4 Email 21 October 2009







11 Email 17 March 2012  Lisa Cartin Beaulieu

12 Derry Gaol p23 by Colm Cavanagh and Tim Webster ISBN 0946451 02 8 Guildhall Childrens Press 1982

13 Extract by Bobby Forest from  1663 hearth money returns



16 The Parish of Banagher   Philip Donnelly ISBN 0948154 993 Library UU Coleraine

22 1820 R. Fowler’s survey, with map, of the Grocers’ Proportion in the parishes of Faughanvale, Cumber and Glendermot (MIC9B/7, see also MIC9A/15

27  Carmel Sharkey email Mail 2021