
Working papers 

Social Choice under Gradual Learning, with Yiman Sun and Takuro Yamashita - Slides


Strategic Experimentation with Congestion (2021) American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Volume 13, Pages 1-82

Stopping with Congestion and Private Payoffs (2020) Journal of Mathematical Economics, Volume 91, Pages 18-42

Rational Quagmires: Attrition, Learning, and War (2020) with Colin Krainin and Thomas Wiseman, Quarterly Journal of Political Science, Volume 15, Issue 3, Pages 369-400

Experimentation with Reputation Concerns - Dynamic Signalling with Changing Types (2019) Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 179, Pages 366-415

Community Enforcement of Trust with Bounded Memory (2019) with V. Bhaskar, Review of Economic Studies, Volume 86, Issue 3, Pages 1010-1032

The Culture of Overconfidence (2019) with V. Bhaskar, American Economic Review: Insights, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 95-110

Strategic Experimentation in Queues (2019) with Martin Cripps, Theoretical Economics, Volume 14, Issue 2, Pages 647-708

N-Dimensional Blotto Game with Heterogeneous Battlefield Values (2018) Economic Theory, Volume 65, Issue 3, Pages 509–544

An Evolutionary Theory of Suicide (2013) with Balázs Szentes, Games, MDPI, Open Access Journal, Volume 4, Issue 3, Pages 426-436, Special Issue "Advances in Evolutionary Game Theory and Applications", Editor: Theodore C. Bergstrom,

On the Folk Theorem with One-Dimensional Payoffs and Different Discount Factors (2011) with Yves Guéron and Thibaut Lamadon, Games and Economic Behavior, Volume 73, Pages 287-295