
 Articles in peer reviewed journals

                   (*) indicates student co-author

2023       “Organized Crime and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence From Criminal Groups in Mexico” with Brian J. PhillipsJournal of Conflict Resolution 67(9): 1675-1703 . Open access.   

                    Replication materials: data and do-file

2023        “Central Bank Independence and Inflation Volatility in Developing Countrieswith César M. Rodríguez. Economic Analysis and Policy 78 (2023): 1320-1341. 

                   Open access.

                    Replication materials  

2023      “Central Bank Independence in Latin America: Politicization and De-delegation" with Cristina Bodea.  Governance 36(1): 59-80. Open access.

                    Replication materials

                    Referred in Central Banking

2022        Central Banks and Civil War Termination.Journal of Peace Research 59(4):508-525. Open access.    

                    Supplemental materials, replication materials 

                    Featured in Critical State

2022       “International Capital and Subnational Politics: Partisanship and Foreign Direct Investment in Mexican States.”  Political Research Quarterly 75(4):1006-1020. Open access.     

                    Supplemental materials, replication materials available upon request

                    Interview for EMERiCs, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy

2020       “More Effective Than We Thought: Central Banks and Inflation in Developing Countries” with César M. Rodríguez . Economic Modelling 85(1):87-105.

                    Paper (accepted version)

                   Interviews for La Tercera (Chile) and El Pais (Uruguay), discussed in Central Banking

2020        “It’s (Almost) Always the Economy: Economic Performance and Political Realignments in Argentina” with Juan J. Negri. Revista de Ciencia Política. 40(2): 137-161. Open access.


2019       “Economic Institutions and Autocratic Breakdown: Monetary Constraints and Spending in Dominant-Party Regimes” with Cristina Bodea and Masaaki Higashijima in the Journal of Politics 81(2): 601-615. 

                    Paper , replication materials

2019      “Remittances, Monetary Institutions, and Autocracies” with Covadonga Meseguer in Oxford Development Studies 47(4):452-467.

                    Paper, article

2017      “Regulatory Lags, Liberalization, and Vulnerability to Banking Crises” in Regulation and Governance 11(2): 143-165

                   Paperonline appendix

2017      “Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico: A Comparison of FDI from the U.S. and the Rest of the World”   [in Spanish] in Foro Internacional, 228 (LVII-2), April-June:317-355.

2017       “Central Bank Independence. The “Conventional Wisdom” in the Light of New Data”  [in Spanish] in Studia Politicae, 40 (primavera-verano):105-130.

2016      “Central Bank Reforms in the World. A New Dataset in International Interactions 42(5): 849-868.

                  Paper, online appendix, data set , replication materials.  Available: last version of the data.

2016      “Human Rights Regimes, Reputation, and Foreign Direct Investment” in International Studies Quarterly 60(1): 160-172.

                   Paperonline appendix, data, do file (main models), do file (appendix)

                   Blog post in OpenDemocracy

2015       “Attitudes toward Foreign Investment: The Case of Mexico” [in Spanish]. with Marc Grau Vidiella(*) in Foro Internacional, 221(LV-3), July-September: 879-916 (in Spanish).

2014      “Foreign Aid as a Signal to Investors: Predicting FDI in Post-Conflict Countries” with Brian J. Phillips in Journal of Conflict Resolution 58(2): 280 - 306.

                   Paper, online appendix, dataset, do file

2014     “Delegated Decree Authority (DDA): Instruments to Compare DDA Scope,with Application to Latin American Cases  [in Spanish]  with Héctor Duarte(*) in Política y Gobierno XXI (1): 202-232.

2009       “Regime Type and Bilateral Treaty Formalization: Do Too Many Cooks Spoil the Soup?” in Journal of Conflict Resolution, 53 (5): 698-726.

                  Paper , dataset, do file

 Book chapters and other publications (selected)

 2024  "Taking Care of Academic Parents." In 'Forum Introspective Journeys and Lessons Learned: Narratives of Self-Care in Academia,' International Studies Perspectives. Forthcoming.

2023  "Public Confidence in the Bank of England." National Institute UK Economic Outlook 12: 16-22.

2020      Central Bank Independence and the Fate of Authoritarian Regimeswith Cristina Bodea and Masaaki Higashijima . In Ernest Gnan and Donato Masciandro (eds.) Populism, Economic Policies and Central Banking. Vienna, Bocconi University and Baffi Carefin ISBN: 978-3-902109-89-7. Chapter 13, pages 161-179.

                    Link to book

2015.   Book review of Leonardo Baccini and Johannes Urpelainen. 2014.  Cutting the Gordian Knot of Economic Reform.  When and How International Institutions Help (New York: Oxford University Press).  Review of International Organizations, 10 (3): 409-412. 

2014   “Other Forms of Punishment of Human Rights Violations: The Case of Foreign Direct Investment [in English]  In Pavón Piscitello, Daniel (ed.)  Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos: Manifestaciones, Violaciones y Respuestas Actuales.  Córdoba (Argentina): Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Chapter 3, pp. 99-138.


2014   The Path to Stability: Thirty Years of Monetary Policy in Brazil and Mexico”  [in Spanish]  with Maria Antonieta del Tedesco Linz.  In La Integración de Políticas Públicas para el Desarrollo: Brasil y México en Perspectiva Comparada.  México: Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas.  Chapter 2, pp. 55-103.

                Chapter, ebook

Work in progress

Under review

                 “Reconsidering CBI and Fixed Exchange Rates with David Bearce. 

                  “Revisiting Central Bank Independence. An overview of the past 20 years.”  

                   “Good for the Economy, Good for the Planet? How Foreign Direct Investment Affects Protected Areas with Muzhou Zhang

In preparation for submission

                   "Public confidence in the Bank of England"

                  The International Monetary Fund and the politics of signalling central bank capabilities with Michael Gavin

                   “Introducing a New Dataset on Central Bank Mandates.”  


In progress

                “Follow the Money: Integration in International Markets and External Support in Civil Wars   with Brian Phillips. Presented at ISA 2022.

                “Do Dual Mandates Constrain? The Effect of Dual Mandates on Inflation.”  Funded by the British Academy/Leverhulme small research grant.

                "When women control the purse: Understanding the appointment and dismissal of female finance ministers" with Sarah Shair-Rosenfield.

               Political Science in the UK: Is Ethnic Diversity Driven by Female Scholars?  

                “Central Banks' Dual Mandates: Do Symmetric and Hierarchical Dual Mandates Make a Difference on Unemployment?”  Funded by the British Academy/Leverhulme small research grant.

                “Stepping Up During Elections: Independent Central Banks and Inflation” with César M. Rodríguez.   

                “Determinants of Central Bank Independence in Developing Countries.”  Presented at the 2015 Workshop on Monetary Policy and Central Banking: Historical Analysis and Contemporary Approaches.  Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance.  Princeton University. 

                 “Monetary Institutions as Signaling Devices: The Case of Argentina.”  Presented at the 2014 Empirical Methods in Economic History Conference. African School of Economics-CIDE-Princeton University. Published as working paper Documentos de Trabajo DTEP 288.  México: CIDE.      

(Larger) projects supported with external grants

           “A servant of many masters: What are the consequences of assigning multiple mandates to central banks?   Funded by the British Academy/Leverhulme small research grant.  

             Written evidence for the House of Lords for the enquiry "Bank of England: how is independence working?"

          Establishing an interdisciplinary network to address the economic consequences of criminal violence in Mexico  with Sandra Ley. Funded by the Academy of Medical Sciences, GCRF Networking Grants.