
I am not young enough to know everything.” ― Oscar Wilde 

Inattention Matters: An Analysis of Consumers’ Inaction in Choosing a Water Tariff 

Heiss F., Ornaghi C.  and Tonin M. (2023)

Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming - VoxEU column

Evolving Market Boundaries and Competition Policy Enforcement in the Pharmaceutical Industry 

Siotis G., Ornaghi C. and Castanheira M. (2023) 

European Journal of Law and Economics  - VoxEU column

Price vs clinical guidelines in primary care statin prescribing: a retrospective cohort study and cost simulation model

Ortiz de Zarate M.,  Mentzakis E. and Ornaghi C. (2021)

Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine - volume 115, 3

R&D productivity and the nexus between product substitutability and innovation: Theory and experimental evidence

Ioannou C., Makris M. and Ornaghi C., (2021) 

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, volume 186(c),  135-151  (PDF)

The effects of the universal metering programme on water consumption, welfare and equity

Ornaghi C.  and Tonin M. (2021) 

Oxford Economic Papers, volume 73, 1,  399-422

The impact of goods and service offshoring on employment 

Ornaghi C., Van Beveren I. and Vanormelingen  S. (2021) 

Canadian Journal of Economics, volume 54,  2,  (PDF

The  unexpected  consequences  of  generic  entry 

Castanheira M., Ornaghi C. and Siotis G. (2019)

Journal of Health Economics –volume 68, pp 1022-43    (PDF)  -  VoxEU column

The effect of behavioural interventions on energy conservation in naturally ventilated offices

Ornaghi C., Costanza E., Kittle-Davies J., Bourikas L., Aragaon V., and James P. (2018)

 Energy Economics, volume 74, 582-591 (PDF)

Competition and Innovation: New evidence from US patent and productivity data

Correa A J. and Ornaghi C. (2014) 

Journal of Industrial Economics, volume 62, 2, 258-285 (PDF)

Competition in the pharmaceutical industry: how do quality differences shape advertising strategies?

De Frutos M.A., Ornaghi C. and Siotis G. (2013) 

Journal of Health Economics –volume 32, 268-285. (PDF)

On the Determinants of Total Factor Productivity Growth: Evidence from Spanish Manufacturing Firms 

Castiglionesi F. and Ornaghi C. (2013) 

Macroeconomic Dynamics – volume 17, 501-530. (PDF)

Competition and Innovation 

Boldrin M., Correa A. J., Levine D. and Ornaghi C. (2011)

Cato Papers on Public Policy, volume 1, Cato Institute.

Positive Assortive Merging 

Ornaghi C. (2009)

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, volume 18, issue 2, 323-346.  (PDF)

Mergers and Innovation in Big Pharma

Ornaghi C. (2009)

International Journal of Industrial Organization, , volume 27, issue 1, 70-79. (PDF)

Price Deflators and the Estimation of the Production Function 

Ornaghi C. (2008)

Economics Letters, volume 99, issue 1, 168-171. (PDF)

Spillovers in product and process innovation: evidence from manufacturing firm

Ornaghi C. (2006)

International Journal of Industrial Organization, volume 24, issue 2, 349-380.  (PDF)

Assessing the effects of measurement errors on the estimation of a production function 

Ornaghi C. (2006)

Journal of Applied Econometrics, volume 21, 879-891. (PDF)

Other Publications

Bourikas L, Costanza E,  Kittley-Davis J, Ornaghi C. and James P (2018): “Camera-based window-opening estimation in a naturally ventilated office”,  Building Research and Information, volume 46, 2,  (DOI

Ornaghi C., Marin P.L. and Siotis G. (May 2004) "Mergers and acquisitions in the chemical industry: similarities and disimilarities across the atlantic". In Cesaroni F., Cambardella A. and Garcia-Fontes W. (Eds.) R&D, Innovation and Competitiveness in the European Chemical Industry (pp. 45-68). London: Kluwer Academic Press.