Talks & Posters

Carlo Geraci


Recent Talks and Posters

(last update March 2023)


Oct. 13-15 Sign Cafe 2, Ragusa, Italy

Boundaries in space and time: iconic biases across modalities.

(Presented with Jeremy Kuhn, Philippe Schlenker & Brent Strickland)

Sept. 25 - Oct. 1 TISLR-14, Osaka, Japan

Is code-blending an advantage beyond the lexicon?

(Presented with Angélique Jaber, Beatrice Giustolisi, Chiara Branchini & Caterina Donati)

June 8-10 SALT-32, Mexico City

As strong as an NPI in LIS, LSF & NGT. (pdf here)

(Presented withMarloes Oomen and Mirko Santoro)

May 13 Linguistic Colloquium, Seoul, South Korea (Invited lecture)

On the properties of null subjects in Sign Languages: the case of French Sign Language (LSF).

April 26-29 GLOW-45, London, UK

Categorical Perception in French Sign Language (LSF).

(Presented with Justine Mertz & Giuseppina Turco)

April 22-24 CLS-58, Chicago, US

Categorical Perception in French Sign Language (LSF).

(Presented with Justine Mertz & Giuseppina Turco)

April 6-8 Zadar Linguistic Forum, Zadar, Croatia (Invited talk)

On the properties of Neg-Raising predicates: a peculiar case of subordination at the syntax-semantics interface.

March 30 20 Anniversary of the University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia (Invited lecture)

What sign language reveals about the faculty of language.

March 24-26 Conference on human language processing, UC Santa Cruz

Bimodal sentences processing. The case of congruent and incongruent code blends. (pdf here)

(Presented with Angélique Jaber, Chiara Branchini, Carlo Geraci, Beatrice Giustolisi, Caterina Donati)

Feb. 24-26 IGG-47, Catania, Italy

Categorical Perception in French Sign Language (LSF).

(Presented with Justine Mertz & Giuseppina Turco)


Nov. 9-11 Civitas Educationis, Enna, Italy (Invited lecture)

Quello che le lingue dei segni ci insegnano sul linguaggio umano

Sept. 2-4 AMLap 2021, Paris, France

Categorical Perception in French Sign Language (LSF).

(Presented with Justine Mertz & Giuseppina Turco)

June 1-4 FEAST 2021, Hong Kong, China

Subject dropping in French-LSF bilinguals: a blending explanation for crosslinguistic influence in bimodal bilingualism?

(Presented with Angélique Jaber and Caterina Donati)

March 18 IKER Language seminar, Bayonne, France (Invited lecture)

Les langues des signes: une opportunité pour mieux comprendre les capacités langagières des Hommes (talk in LSF here)

Feb. 23-26 IGG-46, Siena Italy

Crosslinguistic influence: What happens across modality?

(Presented with Angélique Jaber and Caterina Donati)


June 23-24 FEAST 2020, Paris, France

Structural Phylogenetics and the Reconstruction of Sign Language History (Video here)

(Presented with Natasha Abner, Shi Yu, Jessica Lettieri, Justine Mertz & Anah Salgat)

April 8-13 GLOW-43, Berlin, Germany

Graft, Remove or Exfoliate? Towards a theory of structure reduction (Video, handout, slides here)


Oct. 23-25 ILPE, Messina, Italy

Diglossia che vuole diventare bilinguismo: la stigmatizzazione delle lingue dei segni.

Sept. 26-28 TISLR-13, Hamburg, Germany

Boundaries in space and time: Iconic biases across modalities

(Presented with Jeremy Kuhn, Philippe Schlenker and Brent Strickland)

Articulatory evidence for sign language typology and history

(Presented with Natasha Abner, Justine Mertz, and Shi Yu)

Sept. 23 La giornata mondiale delle lingue dei segni, Milano, Italy (Invited talk)

Quante strade per riconscere la LIS? Quali argomenti?

Sept. 19-21 SLI-53, Como, Italy

La finestra sul cortile: la linguistica delle lingue dei segni

Aug. 22 SUITCEYES Symposium, Borås, Sweden (Invited talk)

From Visual to Tactile Sign Languages: What Goes and What Stays

June 17-19 Il PaPE, Lecce, Italy

How to measure phonological complexity in Sign Languages (PDF here)

(Presented with Valentina Aristodemo, Chiara Annucci, Beatrice Giustolisi, Doriane Gras, Justine Mertz and Caterina Donati) 


Typological and Historical relations across sign languages The view from articulatory features

(Presented with Justine Mertz, Natasha Abner, Shi Yu, Jessica Lettieri)

Theory-Description-Theory: A round trip in French sign language phonology

(Presented with Justine Mertz)

May 7-11 GLOW-42, Oslo, Norwey

How to measure phonological complexity in Sign Languages (PDF here)

GLOW 42 (Presented with Valentina Aristodemo, Chiara Annucci, Beatrice Giustolisi, Doriane Gras, Justine Mertz and Caterina Donati) 


April 12-14 Workshop PARLOMA, Pisa, Italy (Invited lectures)

Sign language and the computational engine

Sign language and the interface systems

Feb. 21-23 IGG-45, Padova, Italy

Typological and Historical relations across sign languages The view from articulatory features

(Presented with Justine Mertz, Natasha Abner, Shi Yu, Jessica Lettieri)

Feb. 14-16 AISV 2019, Arezzo, Italy

Hidden languages in a digital world: the case of sign language archives

(Presented with Pietro Braione, Carlo Cecchetto, Josep Quer, Roland Pfau)



June 20

Good question, right method, reasonable answer (PDF here)

FEAST 2018, Venice, Keynote speaker.

Sorry I will update the rest of this year soon...


Dec. 6

Backwards agreement in SL

UCL, London Language seminar

Sept. 22-24

Low Referentiality in Italian Sign Language and French Sign Language

The 6th Meeting of Signed and Spoken Language Linguistics, National Museum of Ethnology, Japan (With Jeremy Kuhn and Lara Mantovan)


Nov. 09-11

Talk: A sociolinguistic view on variable subjects in Italian Sign Language 

Grammar and Corpora, IDS, Mannheim, Germany (presented with Mirko Santoro, Lara Mantovan and Valentina Aristodemo)

Nov. 04-06

Poster: Is Telicity in Sign Languages Visible to Children?

Boston University on Conference Language Development (BUCLD), Boston (presented with Laura Wagner, Katherine Davidson, Jeremy Kuhn, Brent Strickland).

Sept. 1-2

Talk: Is it going backwards? Not really!

FEAST 2016, Venice (presented with Lara Mantovan, Mirko Santoro and Valentina Aristodemo)

Talk: Adjunct subordinate: the case of temporal clauses in LIS

FEAST 2016, Venice (presented with Mirko Santoro and Valentina Aristodemo)

Aug. 10-13

Talk: Intuitive iconicity for events and objects

CogSci Simposium: Concepts from Event Semantics in Cognition (presented with Jeremy Kuhn, Philippe Schlenker and Brent Strickland)

July 18-22

Talk: Absolute adjectives: Signs Vs. Gestures

ISGS7, Paris (presented with Valentina Aristodemo, Mirko Santoro)

April 5-8

Talk: Possessives in Three sign languages

GLOW 2016, Göttingen, Germany.

Feb. 22-26

Talk: Backward agreement is not so backward after all: the role of loci in the grammar of SL

DGfS 2016, Konstanz, Germany. (presented with Mirko Santoro, Lara Mantovan, Valentina Aristodemo).

Feb. 18-20

Talk: Possessives in Three sign languages

IGG 2016, Lecce, Italy.

Jan. 4-7

Talk: The SignGram Blueprint. Providing a tool for Sign Language grammar description (slides here)

TISLR 12, Melbourne, Australia (presented with Josep Quer, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati, Meltem Kelepir and Markus Steinbach)

Poster: Event representations constrain the structure of (sign) language (handout here)

TISLR 12, Melbourne, Australia (presented with Brent Strickland, Emmanuel Chemla (CNRS, Institut Jean Nicod), Roland Pfau (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Meltem Kelepir (Boğaziçi University) and Philippe Schlenker (CNRS, Institut Jean Nicod))

Poster: Variable subjects in LIS: a corpus study (handout here)

TISLR 12, Melbourne, Australia (presented with Mirko Santoro (CNRS, Institut Jean-Nicod, Paris) and Lara Mantovan (Ca'Foscari University, Venice))


Sept. 2-5

Talk: Cardinals and measure phrases in Italian sign language

Societas Linguistica Europea, Leiden (with Lara Mantovan and Anna Cardinaletti)

July 14-17

Talk: Event representations constrain the structure of language: Sign language as a window into universally accessible linguistic biases

European Society of Philosophy and Psychology, Tartu (with Brent Strickland, Meltem Kelepir, Roland Pfau, Emmanuel Chemla and Philippe Schlenker)

May 28-29

Talk: Comparatives and visible degree scales in Italian Sign Language (LIS)

Gradability Scale structure and Vagueness: Experimental perspective, Madrid (presented with Valentina Aristodemo)

May 21-22

Talk: Comparatives and visible degree scales in Italian Sign Language (LIS)

CGG 25, IKER, Bayonne (presented with Valentina Aristodemo)

May 4-6

Talk: Event representations constrain the structure of (sign) language

FEAST 2015, Barcellona (presented with Brent Strickland, Emmanuel Chemla (CNRS, Institut Jean Nicod), Roland Pfau (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Meltem Kelepir (Boğaziçi University) and Philippe Schlenker (CNRS, Institut Jean Nicod))

Talk: Comparatives and visible degree scales in Italian Sign Language (LIS)

FEAST 2015, Barcellona (presented with Valentina Aristodemo)

March 30-31

Talk: Corpus LIS (Italian sign language)

Digging Into Signs, UCL, London (with Mirko Santoro)

February 26-28

Talk: Comparatives and visible degree scales in Italian Sign Language

IGG 41,  Università per Stranieri di Perugia, Italy (presented with Valentina Aristodemo)


October 31- November 2

Poster (here) The syntax of cardinal numerals in LIS

NELS 45, MIT (presented with Lara Mantovan)

June 9-11

Talk (slides __ ) Escaping Islands: Processing and Morphosyntactic constraints in Italian sign language

FEAST, Venice (to be presented with Valentina Aristodemo and Mirko Santoro)

May 21-23

Talk (slides __ ) Handshape in Italian sign language: perception vs. theoretical models

S2G, Padua (to be presented with Valentina Aristodemo)

April 2

Talk (slides here) Escaping Islands: Processing and Morphosyntactic constraints in Italian sign language

LINGUAE seminar, CNRS, IJN, Paris (presented with Valentina Aristodemo and Mirko Santoro)

Feb. 13-15

Talk (slides here) Grammar and processing: the case of wh-questions in LIS

IGG 40, Trento (presented with Valentina Aristodemo)

Jan. 22-24 

Talk (slides here): Complessità articolatoria, fonologica e modelli teorici nella LIS

X convegno annuale dell’Associazione Italiana Scienze della Voce, Torino (presented with Valentina Aristodemo)


Oct. 18-20

Poster: The grammar of space in LIS

NELS 44, U-Conn at Storrs

Sept. 20-21

Talk: Identity conditions on ellipsis in Italian Sign Language (LIS)

Identity in Ellipsis Conference (presented with Carlo Cecchetto and Mirko Santoro)

July 10-12 

Poster: Modals in LIS

TISLR, UCL, London (presented with Vincent Homer)

Poster: Universal 20 in LIS

TISLR, UCL, London (presented with Lara Mantovan)

Poster: Weak crossover in LIS

TISLR, UCL, London (presented with Mirko Santoro)    

June 19

Talk (slides here): Spatial syntax in your hands

Language Seminar, CNRS Institut Jean-Nicod & DEC, Paris (revised and partially extended from "spatial syntax by hands")

May 30

Talk (slides here): MovImperatives & Imperatives in LSF

Workshop on Imperatives, COST Action is 1006: unraveling the grammar of European Sign Languages, Istanbul. (presented with Giorgia Zorzi)

2012 (more below)

2011 (more below)

Oct. 13-14

Talk: Sentential complementation in sign language: The case of Italian Sign language and moreComplex Sentences and Beyond in Sign and Spoken Languages, Lichtenberg-Kolleg, Göttingen, Germany

July 7-9

Talk: Lexical and phonological variation in sign language: the case of Italian sign language (LIS)

Workshop on Sign Language, Georg-August Universitat, Göttingen, Germany

Talk: Wh- here, wh- there, wh- everywhere??? On the distribution of wh-signs in LISWorkshop on Sign Language, Georg-August Universitat, Göttingen, Germany

Mar 24-26

Talk: Who, what, where, why, how, etc: the distribution of wh-signs in LISLa lingua dei segni italiana: Grammatica, lessico, e dimensioni di variazione (presented with Robert Bayley)

Talk: The order of constituents in LIS: a first survey

La lingua dei segni italiana: Grammatica, lessico, e dimensioni di variazione (presented with Chiara Branchini)

Talk: Una varietà trascurata: la LIS tattile

La lingua dei segni italiana: Grammatica, lessico, e dimensioni di variazione (presented with Alessandra Checchetto, Carlo Cecchetto and Sandro Zucchi)


Oct. 08-09

Talk: Strategies of complementation in Italian sign language

Formal and Experimental Approaches to Sign Language in Paris

Sept. 30- Oct. 02

Talk: Linguistic issues in building a corpus for LIS (Italian Sign Language) 

TISLR 10, Purdue, Indiana (presented with Katia Battaglia, Anna Cardinaletti, Carlo Cecchetto, Emiliano Mereghetti)

Poster: Making up for the disappearance of NMM in tactile sign languages

TISLR 10, Purdue, Indiana (presented with Anna Cardinaletti, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati) 

Sept. 27-29

Talk: La variazione nel lessico della lingua dei segni italiana

SLI XLIV, Viterbo (Presented with Anna Cardinaletti, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati)

June 24-25

Talk: Do parasitic gaps exist (in Italian)?

Psycholinguistics across the board, Rovereto (presented with Marco Marelli and Elena Barbieri)

May 17-23

Poster: Why are you raising your eyebrows?

LREC 2010, La Valetta, Malta (presented with Genny Conte, Mirko Santoro, Anna Cardinaletti)

Poster: Building a corpus for Italian Sign Language. Methodological issues and some preliminary results

LREC 2010, La Valetta, Malta (presented with Robert Bayley, Chiara Branchini, Anna Cardinaletti, Carlo Cecchetto, Caterina Donati, Serena Giudice, Emiliano Mereghetti, Fabio Poletti, Mirko Santoro, Sandro Zucchi)

May 08-09

Talk: Il ruolo delle espressioni facciali nelle lingue dei segni

Lingua dei Segni Italiana tattile: primi risultati di una ricerca e prospettive future, Loreto (Lega del filo d'oro)

Talk: Gli studi futuri sulla LIS tattile

Lingua dei Segni Italiana tattile: primi risultati di una ricerca e prospettive future, Loreto (Lega del filo d'oro)

March 10-12

Talk: Questions and subordination in a different modality. Evidence from Italian sign language

Seminar, University of Thessaloniki

Talk: Short-term memory and sign language: same architecture, different consequences

Seminar University of Thessaloniki


Feb. 26-28

Talk: Strategies of Complementation in Italian Sign Language 

IGG 36, Siena


Nov. 21


Nov. 08-09


Oct. 08


pdf here

June 01-02


pdf here

June 01-02


pdf here

June 01-02


pdf here

June 01-02


pdf here

Jan. 05-08


Hands in space. On the grammatical use of space in Sign Language

Sign Language Colloquium Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Commentary on “Impersonal reference in Catalan Sign Language (LSC)" (by Josep Quer and Gemma Barbera)

Towards a typology of human impersonal pronouns (TypoImp), CNRS at Paris 8

Spatial syntax by hands

Talk presented at the University of Paris 8.

The SAME constituent structure

FEAST 2012: Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory. 01-02 June. Warsaw, Poland.

(Talk presented with: Alessandra Checchetto, Carlo Cecchetto and Sandro Zucchi).

Wh duplication and beyond

FEAST 2012: Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory. 01-02 June. Warsaw, Poland.

(Talk presented with: Chiara Branchini, Anna Cardinaletti, Carlo Cecchetto and Caterina Donati).

Hand in hand: The grammar of space at the articulatory-perceptual interface

FEAST 2012: Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory. 01-02 June. Warsaw, Poland.

Sign language and language universals: The case of Universal 20 in Italian Sign Language

FEAST 2012: Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory. 01-02 June. Warsaw, Poland.

(Poster with: Lara Mantovan).

Variation in the position of Wh-signs in Italian Sign Language (LIS)

LSA: Conference of the Linguistic society of America. 05-08 January. Portland, Oregon.

(Talk presented with: Robert Bayley, Anna Cardinaletti, Caterina Donati and Carlo Cecchetto).




Sept. 26-28


Standardizzazione e politiche linguistiche: il caso della lingua dei segni italiana

XLV Congresso internazionale della società di linguistica italiana. 26-28 Settembre. Aosta-Torino, Italy 

(Talk presented with: Caterina Donati, Anna Cardinaletti and Carlo Cecchetto).

July, 20-23


Where should I put my hands? Planning hand location in sign languages.

Co-SLI 2011: Conference of the cognitive science society. 20-23 July. Boston, Massachusetts 

(Talk presented with: Alice Ruggeri, Cristina Battaglino, Gabriele Tiotto, Daniele Radicioni, Alessandro Mazzei, Rossana Damiano and Leonardo Lesmo).



July. 24-25


Feb. 28-29


Linguistic issues in building a corpus for LIS (Italian Sign Language). 

Sign Language Corpora : Linguistic Issues Workshop 2009. 24-25 July, London, England. 

(Talk presented with: Chiara Branchini, Serena Giudice and Emiliano Mereghetti).

Strategies of complementation in Italian Sign Language

IGG 2009, Incontro di grammatica generativa. 28-29 February, Siena, Italy