Regional and Urban Economics
By topics: (i) Book chapter & Survey; (ii) On the interactions between Residential Location, Labor Market, and Spatial Segregation; (iii) On the Long-Run Efficiency of Public Regulations (the location of capital and/or workers is endogenous); (iv) On the Optimal Spatial Organization of Economies (market failures related to the spatial allocation of resources); (v) On the Impact of Macroeconomic Changes on Regional Inequalities (from Global to Local)
Book chapter & Survey
Gaigné C. & J.-F. Thisse (2021) New Economic Geography and the City. In Fisher M. & Nijkamp P. (eds) Handbook of Regional Science, Springer, 2nd Edition, 1179-1221. [pdf version]
Gaigné C. (2015) Localisation de la production alimentaire. Dans Esnouf C., J. Fioramonti, B. Laurioux & J.-P. Poulain (eds) L’Alimentation à découvert, CNRS Editions. [pdf version]
Gaigné C. & J.-F. Thisse (2014) New Economic Geography. Past and Future. In Fisher M. & Nijkamp P. (eds) Handbook of Regional Science, Springer, 2014. [pdf version]
Gaigné C. et al. (2013) Urbanisation and the sustainability of food systems. In Esnouf C. & M. Russel (eds) Food System Sustainability, Cambridge University Press. [French version]
Gaigné C. & J.-F. Thisse (2006) Mondialisation, concurrence et aires métropolitaines. Revue d’Economie Financière, n°86, novembre, 2006, pp 47-64. (with J.F. Thisse). [pdf version]
Gaigné C., V. Piguet & B. Schmitt (2005) Concentration Urbaine et Dispersion Périurbaine et Rurale de l’Industrie. Dans Buisson M.-A. & D. Mignot (eds) Concentration Economique et Ségrégation Spatiale, Edition DeBoeck, 163-179.
Gaigné C., F. Gofette-Nagot & B. Schmitt (2000) Localisation des Activités Industrielles en Zone Rurale. Rôle du Marché du Travail et du Marché Foncier. Dans Les forces d'agglomération dans la métropolisation de l'économie, P.-Ph. Combes et I. Thomas (eds.), CIFOP, Bruxelles.
On the interactions between Residential Location, Labor Market, and Spatial Segregation
Gaigné Carl, Hans Koster, Fabien Moizeau & Jacques-François Thisse (2022) Who Lives Where in Cities? Amenities, Commuting and Income Sorting, Journal of Urban Economics 128, 103 394, [Pre-print] [Version with endogenous income, Appendix].
Gaigné C. & M. Sanch-Maritan (2019) City Size and the Risk of Being Unemployed. Regional Science and Urban Economics 77, 222-238. [pdf version]
Gaigné C. & Y. Zénou (2015) Agglomeration, City Size and Crime. European Economic Review 80, 62-82. [pdf version]
Détang-Dessendre C. & C. Gaigné (2009) Unemployment duration, city size, and the tightness of labor markets. Regional Science and Urban Economics 39(3), 266-276. [pdf version]
Aubert F. & C. Gaigné (2005) Histoire de la dynamique territoriale de l’industrie. Le rôle de la demande de travail. Cahiers d’Economie et Sociologie Rurales 76. [pdf version]
Gaigné C., V. Piguet & B. Schmitt (2005) Evolution récente de l’emploi industriel rural versus urbain : une analyse structurelle-géographique sur données Françaises. Revue d'Economie Régionale et Urbaine 1, 3-30. [pdf version]
Gaigné C. (2000) Appariement et stabilité de la relation d'emploi dans les espaces ruraux. Revue d'Economie Régionale et Urbaine, 2000 (5), 821-840. [pdf version]
On the Long-Run Efficiency of Public Regulations (the location of capital and/or workers is endogenous)
Mechouar Y., V. Hovelaque & C. Gaigné (2022) Effect of raw material substitution on the facility location decision under a carbon tax policy. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 11, 100061. [pre-print]
Gaigné C., Y. Mechouar & V. Hovelaque (2020) Carbon tax and sustainable facility location: The role of production technology International Journal of Production Economics, 224, 2020, 107562.
Denant-Boemont L., C. Gaigné & R. Gaté (2018) Urban Spatial Structure, Transport-related Emissions and Welfare. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 89, 29-45. [pdf version]
Gaigné C., S. Riou & J.-F. Thisse (2012) Are Compact Cities Environmentally Friendly? Journal of Urban Economics 72, 123–136. [pdf version]
Gaigné C., J. Le Gallo, S. Larue & B. Schmitt (2012). Does manure management regulation work against agglomeration economies. Theory and evidence from the French hog sector. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 94(1), 116-132. [pdf version]
Behrens K., C. Gaigné & J.-F. Thisse (2009) Industry location and welfare when transport costs are endogenous. Journal of Urban Economics 65(2), 195-208. [pdf version]
Charlot S. & C. Gaigné (2001) Agglomération et politiques régionales de soutien de l’offre. Revue d'Economie Politique 112, 47-63. [pdf version]
On the Optimal Spatial Organization of Economies (market failures related to the spatial allocation of resources)
Brunetti R. C. Gaigné & F. Moizeau (2023) Credit Market Imperfections, Urban Land Rents, and the Henry George Theorem. Revue Economique 74, 681-703. [Latest version]
De Cara, A. Fournier & C. Gaigné (2017) Local food, urbanization, and transport-related GHG emissions. Journal of Regional Science 57(1), 75–108. [pdf version]
Gaigné C., S. Riou & J.-F. Thisse (2016) How to make the Metropolitan Area Work? Neither Big Government, nor Laissez-faire. Journal of Public Economics 134, 100-113, 2016. [pdf version]
Gaigné C. (2006) The ‘genome’ of Neg models with vertical linkages. A comment on the welfare analysis. Journal of Economic Geography, 2006, 6, 141-159. [pdf version]
Charlot S., C. Gaigné, F. Robert-Nicoud & J.-F. Thisse (2006) Agglomeration and welfare in the light of Bentham, Kaldor and Rawls. Journal of Public Economics 90, 325-347. [pdf version]
Berriet-Solliec M., C. Gaigné, G. Lecat & V. Piguet (2006) Différenciation spatiale de l’offre d’équipement public. Economie Publique n°1-2, p. 1-27. [pdf version]
On the Impact of Macroeconomic Changes on Regional Inequalities (from Global to Local)
Bagoulla C. E. Chevassus-Lozza, K. Daniel & C. Gaigné (2010) Regional production adjustments to import competition. Evidence from French agro-industry. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 92(4), 1024-1039. [pdf version]
Gaigné C. & J.-F. Thisse (2009) Aging population and the future of cities. Journal of Regional Science 49(4), 663 – 688. [pdf version]
Cavailhes J., C. Gaigné, T. Tabuchi & J.-F. Thisse (2007) Trade and the structure of cities. Journal of Urban Economics 62(3), 383-404. [pdf version]
Gaigné C. & S. Riou (2007) Technical change and agglomeration. Economics Bulletin 18(3), 1-5. [pdf version]
Behrens K. & C. Gaigné (2006) Density economies in transportation: revisiting the core-periphery model. Economics Bulletin 18(4), 1-7. [pdf version]
Behrens K., C. Gaigné, G. Ottaviano & J.-F. Thisse (2006) How density economies in transportation link the internal geography of trading partners. Journal of Urban Economics 60, 248-263. [pdf version]
Behrens K., C. Gaigné, G. Ottaviano & J.-F. Thisse (2006) Is remoteness a locational disadvantage? Journal of Economic Geography 6, 347-368. [pdf version]