

Lundtofte, F., & Nielsen, C. Y. (2019). The Effect of Stricter Capital Regulation on Banks' Risk‐Taking: Theory and Evidence. European Financial Management, 25(5), 1229-1248.

Nielsen, C. Y., Levorsen, S., Meelby, A. C., Svendsen, S. V., & Thomsen, S. (2019). Analyse af performance. In S. Thomsen (Ed.), Selskabsledelse i foreningsejede finansielle selskaber (pp. 78-103). Frederiksberg: Copenhagen Business School, CBS.

Nielsen, C. Y., & Ohnemus, L. (2018). Etablering af mål for egenkapitalforrentning hos banker: Hvad kan aktionærerne forvente som afkast? Finans/Invest, (6), 21-26.

Nielsen, C. Y. (2015). Essays on Credit Risk, Lund Economic Studies no. 190.

Working paper

“Targeting return on equity: Banks' ownership structure and risk” (with Lars

Christian Ohnemus), 2020

(available at

“Hidden in the factors? The effect of credit risk on the cross-section of equity returns?” working paper, 2015

(available at

“TARP and market discipline: Evidence on the moral hazard effects of bank recapitalizations” (with Jens Forssbæck), working paper, 2015

(available at

Working in progress

“Is market discipline on banks effective” (with Jens Forssbæck)

“Regulatory arbitrage in banking” (with Wolf-Georg Ringe)