Other Papers

Damonte M. and G. Cardullo (2022) "The end of the Equity Premium Puzzle? An analysis of the European Financial Markets," Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis, vol. 11(2),.

Zorich, N and G. Cardullo (2020):"Does Active Management Beat the Market? Evidence from Italy", Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis. 9(3), 1-21

Sechi, A and G. Cardullo (2020): "The Time Diversification Controversy: An Analysis of the Italian Financial Market", International Journal of Business and Social Science. 11(3) 

Gagliolo, F. and G. Cardullo (2020): "Value Stocks and Growth Stocks: A Study of the Italian Market", International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. 10(3), 7-15.

Bottasso, A., G. Cardullo, and M. Conti  (2013) “Labour Market Deregulation and Wage Dispersion. Does Product Market Competition Matter? The Case of the EU Electricity Industry", International Journal of Applied Economics, vol. 10, n. 2, pages 1-9.

Cardullo, G. (2008), “Complementarities and Substitutabilities in Matching Models”, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, Year CXVI, April-June.

Cardullo, G. (2008), “L’utilizzo di Voucher nel Mercato del Lavoro: una Rassegna Critica”, Impresa Sociale, vol 77.

- Premio Nobel a Diamond, Mortensen e Pissarides, ottobre 2010, www.nelmerito.com
