Presentations 2013

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

  • Making the invisible visible: tracking the heart and body as resources in learning. Di Koch, Eugenie Grobler ,Activation Hub
  • First principles of Learning Design. Prof Johannes Cronje, Cape Peninsula University of Technology
  • Anywhere, anytime, together and for free - an exploration of free mobile and online applications for learning. William Cronje, Maven Projects

Report on the 3rd Learning LandsCAPE conference: 14,15 &16 April 2015

The aim of the conference was to bring together some of the key role players in the field of LEARNING in the Western Cape, to consider the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats regarding learning, and to share the tools and techniques that work.

Essentially we were trying to get a grip on “Who's doing what?” Topics included:

  • Enhancing participant engagement through game design
  • Fun and games evaluating and embedding digital literacy skills in first year University students
  • How to use simulations to teach entrepreneurial leadership
  • How to to create visually engaging content that cuts across literacy, culture and language
  • What does big data tell us about our learners and their progress?
  • What are "digital stories" and how do we use them for learning?
  • How to make learning fun with Google

The conference was attended by a total of 63 delegates over three days, and there were 22 speakers.

Download the programme in PDF format

Selected presentations can be downloaded here.

Audience feedback ratings


Some pictures of the last interactive session