Pickleball Gear

Dave Raymond is our Paddletek representative. He can hand deliver paddles for the same price you find online. He also wraps pickleball paddle handles.  719-250-8296. Email him at daraymondsr@yahoo.com

Peg Davison has demo paddles you can try out before you purchase. Contact her at pegdavison3@gmail.com

Locally visit Warrior Pickleball - 115 West Main, Florence, CO. 81226 719-280-2924

email: pickleball@essentialblue.co

pickleballpaddlesplus.com - We’ve found this site has the best prices for rackets plus S&H is free. If you find  better  prices, let us know!

pickleballcentral.com - This is your basic shopping website for accessories, clothing, paddles etc. Type in ARPDavison when making purchases for a 5% discount. The code does not have to be case sensitive.

pickleballstuff.com - Another website similar to the above.