Membership Info

CVSC Membership FAQ

    • What is the cost to join Cannon Valley Saddle Club?

    • Is Cannon Valley Saddle Club a WSCA saddle club?

    • What age classes does Cannon Valley Saddle Club offer?

    • How do I become eligible to win Cannon Valley Saddle Club awards?

    • What are some of the Cannon Valley Saddle Club activities?

  • How do I find out more about Cannon Valley Saddle Club membership?

Q: What is the cost to join Cannon Valley Saddle Club?

A: Single Membership is $20 per year; Family Membership is $30 per year and a Guardian Membership is $10 + the cost of a Family Membership per year.

Fill out a Membership Form and bring it to our next meeting to join! We accept new members anytime of the year!

Q: Is Cannon Valley Saddle Club a WSCA saddle Club?

A: Yes, Cannon Valley Saddle Club is a part of the WSCA saddle club circuit. We hold an annual WSCA "Open" show each year.

Q: What age classes does Cannon Valley Saddle Club offer?

A: Below are the age categories currently used by Cannon Valley Saddle Club. Your category is determined by your age as of January 1st of the current year.

Category Age as of Jan. 1

1. Tenderfoot (girls and boys) -- 3 to 5 years old

2. PeeWee (girls and boys) -- 6 to 10 years old

3. Youth (girls and boys) -- 11 to 14 years old

4. Junior (girls and boys) -- 15 to 17 years old

5. Sr. Women -- 18 to 39 years old

6. Sr. Men -- 18 to 39 years old

7. Sr. Women Plus -- 40 and older

8. Sr. Men Plus -- 40 and older

Q: How do I become eligible to win Cannon Valley Saddle Club awards?

A: Once you have become a member of the Cannon Valley Saddle Club you may start earning points by attending various club activities including but not limited to: monthly meetings, club gatherings, attending/sponsoring game days, participating in parades, volunteering to work our WSCA open show, etc. The points you earn will be tallied up in November. 1st through 4th place awards in each age category will be presented at our Awards Banquet held in December. A belt buckle is awarded also for the top overall points earner for that year.

Q: What are some of the Cannon Valley Saddle Club activities?

A: Cannon Valley Saddle Club members get together to do all sorts of fun family oriented activities such as day/overnight trail rides, bingo/game nights, bowling, sledding and lots of member sponsored horse game days.

Q: How do I find out more about Cannon Valley Saddle Club Membership?

A: You can find out lots more and become a member of the Cannon Valley Saddle Club by attending one of our monthly meetings. Please see our Contact Us page for current year meeting locations.