Terms & Conditions

Custody and Disclosure: The parent(s) or guardian(s) submitting this registration are those having legal custody of the child. Conditions of custody, if applicable, must be fully communicated in writing to Camp Shalom, including, if applicable, a photocopies section of any court order referring to visitation rights. The parent(s)/guardian(s) certifies that any and all physical, medical, emotional, mental or behavioural challenges or issues are fully disclosed with the camper medical form submitted for the upcoming summer. Failure to disclose challenges or issues at the time of medical form submission could result in dismissal without refund. The submission on the registration form signifies that both parents/guardians are in agreement with the conditions of enrolment.

Medical Treatment: The parent(s)/guardian(s) give(s) permission for the Camp Medical Staff to administer any non-prescription drugs to the camper in the recommended dosage as may be reasonably required. Any prescription drugs required by the camper should be brought in sufficient quantities as required for the duration of the camper's stay and may be deposited with the Camp Staff at the buses. In case of surgical emergency, the parent(s)/guardian(s) give(s) permission to the physician selected by the Camp Director to hospitalize, secure proper treatment for, and to order injection, anaesthesia or surgery for the camper. Each camper must be covered by provincial health insurance or equivalent medical insurance. In the event that a camper requires special medication, x-ray or treatment beyond that which is available at Camp, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified promptly and will be charged the additional expense of transportation and special care. Camp Shalom requires that campers who have potentially life-threatening conditions, such as anaphylactic allergies to food or insect stings, be able to manage their exposure to those substances, provide two sets of medication, be familiar with its use and carry the medication with them at all times.

Contraband Items: The family agrees to adhere to the Camp Shalom policies regarding items that campers cannot have in their possession at camp, whether brought with them at the beginning of the session or sent up by care package in the mail during the session. The parent/guardian will ensure that the camper’s cell phone, mp3 player with wi-fi and/or other communication device will not accompany the camper to camp. If the Camp Director was not made aware of a communication device and it is found, it will be confiscated immediately the camper may be dismissed from camp. Exceptions to the rule regarding cell phones may be made for campers attending from countries outside of North America. In such an event, communication devices will be kept in the camp office, for the exclusive use of the international camper during pre-arranged times.

Out-Trips: The parent(s)/guardian(s) give(s) permission for the camper to go on camp outings (e.g. camping, intercamp sports, etc.) during the session. Campers who have an anaphylactic allergy or other significant health concerns may be held back at camp from certain trips.

Privacy: Camp Shalom has permission to use any photograph, video image, likeness, utterance or statement in which your child may appear to be involved, in whole or in part, in any media (including the Internet) for promotional or other purposes without approval by or compensation to the camper or parent/guardian. The information collected on the registration form will only be used by Camp Shalom to provide the camp experience for which you have registered, respond to your needs and to make you aware of opportunities at Camp Shalom and its affiliate camps. For our complete privacy policy, click here.

Liability: Care is taken for the safety and good health of campers, but in the event of accident, injury, sickness while the camper is in the care of Camp Shalom, Camp Shalom, including the board of directors and staff, are hereby released from any liability. Camp Shalom is not responsible for damage to or loss of personal property, incurred during the session or in transit.

Dismissal from Camp: The Camp Director reserves the right to dismiss a camper who is in his/her opinion a hazard to the safety and rights of others, or who appears to him/her to have rejected the reasonable rules and controls of Camp Shalom.

Cancellation Policy: Within 30 days of submitting your camper registration form: All camper fees paid, including deposit, will be refunded in full.

After 30 days of submitting your camper registration form, but before the first day of your camper’s session: Deposit is non-refundable. Any additional fees paid will be refunded.

Camp Shalom may terminate the registration of any camper in the sole discretion of the Camp Director with no refund whatsoever issued for the unused portion of the session for which the camper in question is registered. A partial refund, if any, related to such camper’s dismissal may be issued by the Camp Board of Directors based on their judgment as to the circumstances related to such dismissal.

After the session commences, if removal of the camper is made voluntarily by the family and not as a result of dismissal, a portion of the fees may be refunded proportionate to the number of camp days remaining in the session.

Pro-rated refunds and/or make-up days are not available for days absent or as a result of services not being fully utilized.

Any refund or written request for a refund due to special circumstances will be considered during September 2019.