History of EdMar

Camp Edmar was created as an 8-acre gift from Edna and Marcus Held, hence EdMar. It is located in Greenwich Township above Schofer’s Dam, not far from Kutztown. The Kutztown Rotary sponsored the clearing of the land and planting of a 1,000 spruce and pine trees.

When Camp Edmar was incorporated on March 15, 1952, the officers were:

George R. Frey, president

Dan S. Kline, vice president

L. Russell Brooks, secretary

Paul J. DeLong, treasure

Harvey F. Adams, director

George F. R. Erb, director

Paul Herring, director

Jacob Esser, director

Henry Zimmerman, director

The lodge was designed by local architect Paul 0. DeRagon and erected in 1952 in memory of Oscar L. Stein, Scout leader and teacher in Kutztown High School. It was built for Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, and Brownies.

Paul Herring, Jacob Esser and Paul 0. DeRagon were members of the Kutztown Rotary Club.

The lodge was financed through donations from organizations, businesses and individuals. When completed it was decicated on September 30, 1953. It cost $7,200 and left a debt of $3,400. Doughnut and bake sales were held from 1953 until 1965 to pay off this debt. In February 13, 1956, the Kutztown Rotary paid $1,115 to pay off the debt. After that, the doughnut sales and breakfasts paid for the maintenance expenses.

Since 1958, the Camp Edmar Committee has served ham and string bean dinners to Rotary and Lions clubs who in turn are generous in supporting Camp Edmar.

In July 1957, the Kutztown Rotary paid $1,000 to finance installation of toilets.

In April 1959, the Kutztown Rotary bought 5 acres, increasing the total acreage to 13.5. At this time Camp Edmar had a lodge, water system and toilets.

In 1981, the Kutztown High School flag pole was moved to Camp Edmar. It was dedicated to George F. R. Frey, Edmar president from 1952 to 1978, and L. Russell Brooks, Edmar secretary from 1952 to 1979.

In 1991, the officers of Camp Edmar were:

Lee Erb, president

Henry Zimmerman, vice president

Ira Guldin, secretary

2016 - Adjacent property Grace Woods purchased.

February 17th, 2017 - Grace Woods property named Roland Rhode Nature Center at Grace Woods.