
Martín-González, I., Ronderos, C.R., Castroviejo, E., Schroeder, K., Lossius-Falkum, I., & Vicente, A. (2024). That kid is a grasshopper! Metaphor development from 3 to 9 years of age. Journal of child language, 1–26. Advance online publication. [data + code] [paper] 

Ronderos, C.R., Noveck, I. (2023). “Slowdowns in scalar implicature processing: Isolating the intention-reading costs in the Bott & Noveck task”. Cognition, 238, 105480. [pre-registration + data + code]  [paper] 

Ronderos, C.R., Domaneschi, F. (2023). “Anticipating the damn referent: How comprehenders rapidly retrieve the speaker’s attitude when processing negative expressive adjectives”. Cognitive Science, 47(5), e13295. [data + code] [paper] 

Ronderos, C.R., Lossius Falkum, I. (2023). “Suppression of literal meaning in single and extended metaphors”. Frontiers in Psychology, special issue on Relevance Theory. [data + code] [paper] 

Ronderos, C. R., Tomlinson, J. M., Jr., & Noveck, I. (2023). When irony is faster than its literal control: The role of mindreading during irony comprehension. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition.   [pre-registration + data + code] [paper] 

Pescuma, V. N., Serova, D., Lukassek, J., Sauermann, A., Schäfer, R., Adli, A., … Ronderos, C.R., … & Knoeferle, P. (2023). Situating language register across the ages, languages, modalities, and cultural aspects: Evidence from complementary methods. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 6516. [paper] 

Ronderos, C.R., Guerra, E., & Knoeferle, P. (2023). When sequence matters: The processing of contextually biased German verb–object metaphors. Language and Cognition, 1-28. doi:10.1017/langcog.2022.22 [data + code] [paper] 

Khorsheed, A., Md. Rashid, S., Nimehchisalem, V., Geok Imm, L., Price, J., & Ronderos, C. R. (2022). What second-language speakers can tell us about pragmatic processing. PLOS ONE, 17(2), e0263724. [data + code]  [paper] 

Tomlinson, J., & Ronderos, C.R. (2021). “Does intonation automatically strengthen scalar implicatures?” Semantics and Pragmatics, 14,4. [data + code]  [paper] 

Ronderos, C. R., Guerra, E., & Knoeferle, P. (2021). The Role of Literal Features During Processing of Novel Verbal Metaphors. Frontiers in Psychology, special issue on experimental approaches to pragmatics, 11, 556624. [paper] 

Ronderos, C. R., Münster, K., Guerra, E., Kreysa, H., R., A., Kröger, J., … & Knoeferle, P. (2018). Eye Tracking During Visually Situated Language Comprehension: Flexibility and Limitations in Uncovering Visual Context Effects. Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, (141).