
Working Papers:

"Business Dynamics and Bank Privatization: Evidence from Local Labor Markets in Brazil", joint with Ana Abras, and Bruno de Paula Rocha. (Submitted)

"Same Old? Fintechs, Digital Banks and the Wage Gender Gap in Brazil" , joint with Ana Abras, Antonio Caluz and Bruno de Paula Rocha.

“Imports and the Survival of New Exporters,” (2020) joint with Dirk Boehe and Naercio Menezes-Filho. (R&R)

“China Shock and Job Flows: A Brazilian Perspective”, with Ana Abras and Bruno de Paula Rocha.

“Output and Input Trade Flows: What Drives The Local-Labor Market Response?”, with Ana Abras and Bruno de Paula Rocha.

“Export Upgrading and FDI: New Evidence,” (2018) joint with Adriana B. Bortoluzzo and Juliana Cavalcanti. (R&R)

“Propagation of Shocks: Public Banks, Trade Liberalization and Local-labor Markets,” (2019) joint with Ana Abras and Bruno de Paula Rocha., 2nd place in INFI FEBRABAN Award on Banking (11ª EDIÇÃO DO PRÊMIO INFI FEBRABAN DE ECONOMIA BANCÁRIA ), (under revision)

“Export Prices and Exchange Rate Pass-Through: The Role of the Extensive Margin of Adjustment,” (2018) under revision.

“Export Prices: New Exporters and Pricing Dynamics,” (2018) under revision.

“CPI Exchange Rate Pass-Through: Are Advanced Economies Different from Emerging Economies? A Decomposition Approach,” (2019) , under revision.

“Brazilian Exporting Firms: Multi-product firms and the Margins of Adjustment,” (2017) under revision.

Work in Progress

“Dynamic Gender Discrimination in Banking and the Role of M&A”, with Ana Abras, Ana Fava and Bruno de Paula Rocha.

“Economic Shocks and Educational Attendance: Trade and Productivity Shocks in Brazil,” joint with Giulia Gallego and Sophie Levy.

“What Determines Anti-Dumping Policies? A Cross-Country Analysis,”, with Caio Castro.

“Anti-Dumping measures: Establishment and Labor Market Responses”, with Ana Abras and Bruno de Paula Rocha.


The Political Influence of Peer Groups: Experimental Evidence in the Classroom, with Shaun Hargreaves-Heap and Fernanda L. Lopez de Leon, Oxford Economic Papers, 69(4): 963–985, (2017). [open access]

The Unexplained Part of Public Debt,” (with Jaimovich, D. & Panizza, U.), January 17, 2012. VOX column based on full academic article. (

The Unexplained Part of Public Debt,” (with Jaimovich, D. & Panizza, U.), Emerging Markets Review, vol. 7(3), pages 228-243, September 2006.

"Investment responses to trade liberalization: impact of CKFTA" , joint with Adriana Bruscato and Helder Vaz, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, v. 28, p. 1-16, 2022.

Brazilian Journals:

“CPI Exchange Rate Pass-Through Decomposition and Distribution Margins: The Case of Brazil versus Advanced Economies,” with Camila Ciss Abdelmalack, Revista Brasileira de Economia, v. 74, n. 1 , pag. 1-22, (2020)

“Importações brasileiras: Um estudo empírico sobre duração e fatores de sobrevivência,” joint with Monique B. Cavalleti, Revista Brasileira de Economia (Impresso), v. 70, p. 281, (2016).