How to organise a CGPN meeting

How to organise a Speaker Meeting:

Approximately 3-4 months in advance:

Confirm with your speaker (Consultant/other specialist) the date that suits them from the allocated speaker meeting dates (see "Home" page on CGPN website for dates). Please remember to say that there is no remuneration available to speak but most Consultants are happy to attend in the likely event it increases their profile/business.

Contact Rep (details on "Rep details for sponsoring speaker meetings" page) ideally at the previous speaker meeting, explaining you are co-ordinating the next speaker meeting and asking if he is still happy to organise the venue + food. The Belfry at Cambourne currently offers the best hot buffet food and the Reps are happy that the price is acceptable. Phil will need to know the date and numbers hoping to attend. General format: 7.15pm chat and meet Reps, 7.30pm food, 8pm speaker presentation (usually 45-50minutes and question time at the end), 9.30pm close of evening.

When this is confirmed: please post details of speaker, times and your contact details on the relevant sign-up page.

Approximately 1month beforehand:

Make contact with Phil and speaker again to confirm they are happy to proceed.

Confirm with speaker if they will need any computer/projection equipment: liaise with Phil re:requirements and he usually sorts this too.

E-mail CGPN group with details and the link for the sign-up page. Ask group for relevant suggestions/questions for speaker to answer during evening.

2 weeks before meeting:

Review sign-up page and e-mail CGPN group a reminder

1 week before meeting:

Check numbers signed up and let Phil know total (he knows this will vary a bit on the night)

Print out sign-up sheet (can be used as a "sign-in" on the evening)

Buy "Thank You" card for speaker.

On evening:

Send around the sign-in sheet. When everyone signed in the hotel/reps will photocopy for themselves and keep a copy for the speaker.

Generally take control and ensure timings are kept-to (feel free to ask for help from another committee member if you feel you can't do this).

Introduce speaker with brief relevant details.

At end of meeting: thank speaker on behalf of group.

Privately afterwards: give speaker thank-you card.

Well done!

(The simple, short version of this is: confirm with speaker and contact rep and rep will organise everything!!)

How to organise/host a "Case Based Discussion" meeting:

Agreed venues for "Case Based Discussion" meetings from August 2011 to July 2012 are:

Jenny Wheatley's house (Cambridge centre) and Perpetua Nicholas' house (Shelford).

Therefore Jenny/Perpetua to:

post details they feel comfortable sharing on the relevant "Sign up" pages.

e-mail the CGPN group 1 month before meeting informing them of the date, include link to the sign-up page.

Reminder e-mail to the CGPN group approximately 10 days before meeting.

Hosts to indicate if they wish attendees to bring food/nibbles or drinks with them.

On evening: general chat from 7.30pm, start discussion 8pm. Be directive regarding telling people which room you want them in (if necessary to split group) and assign a group leader/person responsible for ensuring everyone gets a chance to voice what they have brought (suggest start session by asking everyone if they have brought something and whether quick/may take more time).

9.30pm: end session (to have left host house by 10pm at latest).

Agreed: each person is responsible for taking their own notes. No details of this to be posted on the CGPN website.

The "third meeting"

any suggestions of topics /speakers pertinent to GP, but not directly clinical very welcome.