
Alabama Respite is a Project of United Cerebral Palsy of Huntsville and Tennessee Valley, Inc.

For more information about available respite programs, visit

Alabama Lifespan Respite Resource Network (19 years and Older)

Alabama Lifespan Respite Resource Network is offering voucher respite funding to caregivers in Calhoun County who are caring for a child or other loved one over the age of 19 with autism. This program offers $200 to pay for respite and offers the flexibility of choosing the respite provider of your choice, so long as that provider does not live in the home and is over 18. This funding is made available through a grant from the Stringfellow Health Fund of the Community Foundation of Calhoun County. Contact Linda Lamberth at 237 3683 for more information and for enrollment procedures.

Department of Mental Health

Respite funding is also available through the Department of Mental Health. Its for adults or children with cognitive delay or intellectual disabilities. The child or adult with autism must have documented indication of a cognitive delay (low test scores, lower I.Q., or other). Funding is available at $100 per quarter so long as the funding lasts. Applications are available by contacting Linda Lamberth at 237 3683.

HEARTS Respite Program - United Cerebral Palsy (up to age 19)

HEARTS Respite is a project of United Cerebral Palsy and is available at the UCP that serves the county. It is funded by the Children's Trust Fund of Alabama. If you are in a county in other parts of the state and do not know where your local UCP is, you can call Linda Lamberth at Alabama LIfespan Respite Resource Network (256 237 3683). In Calhoun and other counties in Congressional District 3, it is the East Alabama UCP -contact Wanda Currie at 237 8203. The grant provides $100 per quarter to families caring for a child up to age 19 with a disability or who is at risk of abuse and neglect. Funding is available at $100 per quarter as long as funding lasts.