What We Do

Service Growth Friendships

Our projects include a mix of donating time & funds. We have supported these events & organizations in the past.

  • Collections for Women's Shelter

  • Byron Senior Scholarship

  • Egg My House

  • Ice Cream Social for Kid's Week

  • Sharing Tree

  • Hiawatha Homes Festival of Trees tree decorating

There are many ways we support each other to grow personally and professionally.

  • Become a Board member

  • Chair a service project

  • Personal Development challenges where you set & meet goals

  • Personal Enrichment trainings focusing on Communication & Leadership

We love to have FUN and make friends. Where there is an inspiration, there is a reason to get together.

  • Holiday Party

  • Ladies Night Out

  • Silly Supper

  • Founder's Day Celebration

  • Game nights

  • So much more!