The Parish

We the Parishioners of St. Mary's of Assumption Parish, Bronson, acknowledge the mission of Christ on earth and know that our aim is to have God working through us.  As a Christian community, we respond to the call of Jesus Christ to love each other as Jesus loves us and to celebrate the Eucharist, so as to be strengthened to accept the responsibility to serve rather than be served.  Together we are committed to the spiritual, physical and educational welfare of those of our parish family and beyond.


Please call the Rectory (369-2120) and make arrangements at least six months in advance.  Marriage Instructions given by Fr. Richard Fritz.  Marriage Instructions are the first three Mondays of February at 7:00 pm in the school.  It is required for all couples planning to marry during the year to attend.  Marriage Discovery Weekend is also a requirement for anyone to be married at St. Mary's Assumption Church.

Pastoral Team:

Fr. Richard Fritz, Pastor

Deacon Gerald Smoker


602 W. Chicago St.

Bronson, Michigan 49028

Hours - Monday through Thursday 8:30am-3:00pm

Communion Sundays:

First - Rosary Society at 8:00 am

Last - Knights of Columbus at 8:00 am

Baptismal Instructions:

Please call for an appointment - 369-2120


Karen Ratkowski


The St. Mary of Assumption Church is also associated with St. Barbara Parish located in Colon, Michigan.