
As a researcher, I specialize in ethical adaptation to climate change. Under the supervision of Stephen M. Gardiner, I completed a dissertation on the minimal conditions under which humans can be virtuous and happy. This retrieval of virtue ethics contributes to contemporary discussions about the aims of mitigation and adaptation, especially in the discourse of sustainability and human development. Virtue ethics is uniquely equipped to deal with the moral complexity and unpredictability of worldly circumstances, but it is also theoretically underdeveloped to do so. In this vein, I have published a framework for ethical adaptation, addressing how and why to radicalize moral concepts for Anthropogenic climate change. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, I have published on ethical adaptation and public health, as well as teaching through times of crisis. Currently, I am working on two projects: developing a realistic approach to climate hope, and adapting the conception of flourishing for sustainable human development.

5th Annual Plato-WA Conference, March 2018, Highline College