


The Optimality of Public-Private Partnerships under Financial and Fiscal Constraints, 

joint with Luciano Greco, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy (JEMS) , Vlume 32, Pages 856–881 DOI:


Excess returns in Public-Private Partnerships: Do governments pay too much? 

joint with Michele Moretto and Dimitrios Zormpas,  Economic Modelling - Volume 102, 2021, DOI:

Do Exit Options Increase the Value-For-Money in Public-Private Partnerships?

joint with Cesare Dosi and Michele Moretto, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy (JEMS) , Volume 30,  Pages 721– 742, DOI:


Public-Private Partnerships as a policy response to climate change

joint with Marina Bertolini, Luciano Greco, Energy Policy, Volume 145, 2020,  DOI:

Private investment with social benefits under uncertainty: the dark side of public financing

joint with Giuseppe Attanasi., Kene Boun My, Anne Stenger, Journal of Public Economic Theory,  Volume 22, 2020, Pages 769– 820, DOI:


Bundling versus unbundling: asymmetric information on information externalities 

Journal of Economics, Volume 128, Issue 1, September 2019, Pages 1-25,  DOI:


Public-Private Partnerships as a policy response to climate change

 joint with Anne Stenger, Energy Policy, Volume 119, 2018, Pages 487-494,  DOI:


Public Private Partnerships from budget constraints: Looking for Debt Hiding?

 joint with Frédéric Marty and Phuong Tra Tran, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 51, March 2017, Pages 56-84, DOI:

Other Publications

2023: Policy coordination in healthcare: The reallocation of functions from EU Member States to the European Union after Covid-19

joint with M. Bordignon, R. Levaggi, and G. Turati, chapter for the Handbook on the Political Economy of Health Systems (Costa-Font J., Turati G., Batinti A.), Edward Elgar.

2021: Lessons from Covid-19 for EU health policies, 

joint with Massimo Bordignon, Rosella Levaggi, Gilberto Turati; policy brief Fondazione Rodolfo DeBenedetti (fRDB), 2020.

2021: L’Unione Europea di fronte alla pandemia 

joint with Massimo Bordignon, in Osservatorio Monetario n. 2/2021.

2020: Improving the quality of public spending in Europe

joint with M. Bordignon, R. Caruso, D. Gamannossi Degl’Innocenti, L. Gerotto, R. Levaggi, L. Rizzo, R. Secomandi and G. Turati, Study for the European Parliament, 2020,

Work in progress

Dynamic Regulation of Public Franchises with Imperfectly Correlated Demand Shocks, joint with Cesare Dosi and Michele Moretto

Political Budget Cycle and Government's Arrears,  joint with Luciano Greco and Luigi Moretti

Unverifiable quality in healthcare sector: relational contracts and political stability, joint with Berardino Cesi, Silvia Coretti. Gilberto Turati