Human Resource Management

Details of the Summary Write-up:

1. Main Paper Summary Write-up

The probability of better grads is directly proportional to the quality and length of the summary. This write-up carries 5 marks. The details about ingredients of the summary are given in Section 2 below:

2. Summary Ingredients

The summary should contain the following sections

2.1 Introduction of the paper: Discuss in here:

· How the author introduces the broader area and topic

· how and why the area is important (if the author has discussed it, implicitly or explicitly)

· discuss how the author identifies gap or issues with existing research

· discuss how the author bridges that gap, and/or highlights his/her contribution to the literature

2.2 Literature Review

· There might a separate section of literature review, if not, then look for literature elsewhere in the paper to give a brief account of the previous research on the topic. Your review should be structured such that theoretical/conceptual issues are discussed first, and then empirical findings to support or disapprove the theoretical findings

2.3 Methodology

· Discuss the sample selection procedure, time period and sample of firms and rationale for it

· Discuss the variable construction process, and rationale for it

· Identify dependent and independent variables

· Write and explain the statistical model (if there is any) to an extent possible

2.4 Analysis and Findings

· Discuss major findings of the paper

· Discuss how the author differentiates these findings from the existing ones

· Discuss rationale /logical explanations given for the findings