Download free adventure games

Here's the list of games I've played, with links so you can too!


Indie games are freeware; downloads for commercial games are where the copyright owners have made them freely available, or are fan remakes. Download links may also be for different versions, e.g. the Amiga link for Maniac Mansion is for the free PC fan remake.


If any of the links no longer work, try pasting them into the Internet Archive Wayback Machine to view the last version of the page.


This site is hosted by Google Sites - I hope to make the list easier to use once they implement "Group By" or filters for lists.


Please note, all the download links are to LEGAL distributions, i.e. either to freeware or to old commercial games that have been made available as freeware by the original authors.


Most of the games can now be bought for amazingly cheap prices, so follow those links for some adventuring goodness!


My ratings are based on my perception of enjoyment of the game - how much fun I had playing them - so inherently takes into account the story, voice acting and so on.


I've also included some Samorost-style games since they're adventures too.





Here's the list of games I'm currently playing:




Here's the list of games I will be playing next: