About Us
The Buncombe County Emergency Services Training Facility is located at 20 Canoe Lane in Woodfin North Carolina near Asheville. The facility occupies approximately 30 acres and includes buildings and props used for Law Enforcement, EMS, Fire and Rescue, USAR, Haz-Mat and many other types of training.
On site, is an Apparatus building to simulate working and responding out of a fire station, Class A, B and urban interface burn buildings, a 5 story drill tower, driving tracks, a large classroom facility and a test pit to do fire pump training and service testing. The structures on the facility all have rated rope training anchors for a huge variety of evolutions.
Our two burn buildings are used for live burn, search and rescue, ventilation, law enforcement entry training and EMS victim management.
Building 2 is a five story drill tower structure that can be used for rope work, rappelling, hose advancement, search drills, standpipe and sprinkler evolutions. This building has the ability to be used for unlimited scenarios for all emergency services disciplines. It also contains "RIT World" a series of rooms used to train Rapid Intervention Teams.
Building 5, the Class A burn building uses straw with wooden pallets for fuel and the structure is a two story building with seven burn rooms. This allows for live fire training in a controlled environment. This building also includes an exterior and interior ventilation prop.
Building 3, the Class B burn structure uses Propane (LPG) for fire activities. This is a four story building with burn props for office, residential, kitchen and commercial locations. Burns are conducted by NC Certified Live Burn Instructors who have also been training by the installer of the burn equipment. Each floor having movable walls that can be used to set up numerous scenarios for all disciplines of training.
There are three smaller buildings for urban interface training (wildfire training) and one small building that is a jail cell. To our knowledge these are unique to this facility.
Also on the property is the driving track. The driving track consists of a skid pad, cul-de-sac, large area for a cone course, smaller residential streets, small oval course, and a railroad crossing. All streets are named and traffics signs are in place to facilitate many different driving courses and education.
We have two vehicle extrication pads, one level and one sloped. We have three exterior propane props, a car, a Christmas tree, and a large flammable pit.
We have a USAR pad used to set breeching, shoring and confined space evolutions
There is a mobile burn trailer that is used to conduct live fire practices in other remote locations.
Hydrants are available throughout the entire facility as well as a Test Pit for annual service testing and drafting evolutions
We have added a two story 41,000 square foot classroom facility occupied by A-B Tech completed late in 2014 that provides LE, EMS and Fire classroom environments.
We have a state of the art indoor firing range used by local, regional, state and national Law Enforcement agencies.
We are the home facility for the Buncombe County and Asheville Fire Department rookie schools.
We had had agencies from all over the US travel here to participate in training for nucelar, fire, disaster, haz-mat, interagency and many other scenairos.
There is also a memorial on the site paying tribute to those Buncombe County heros who died in the line of duty.