Buffer Zone Guidelines for Wetlands, Rivers & Estuaries

Spatial Data and Useful Information

The following links provide downloadable information which may be used to populate the desktop and site based tools.

Download Inherent Runoff Potential

KML (162 MB) here or Shapefile (106 MB) here

Download Mean Annual Precipitation

KML (534 KB) here or Shapefile (360 KB) here

Download Mean Annual Temperature

KML (315 KB) here or Shapefile (200 KB) here

Download Rainfall Intensity

KML (12 MB) here or Shapefile (4 MB) here

Download Soil Erodibility

KML (147 MB) here or Shapefile (96 MB) here

Download Salinity and Fertility Maps (JPG and PDF) (3 MB) here

Download All KML Files (Includes: Inherent Runoff Potential, Precipitation, Soil Erodibility, Rainfall Intensity and Temperature) (Warning 321 MB) here

Download All Shapefiles (Includes: Precipitation, Rainfall Intensity, Soil Erodibility and Temperature) (127 MB) here

Download Estuary Data

National Biodiversity Assessment (PDF) (4 MB) here or Estuary Table (Excel) (106 MB) here