
  • 12/08/2019: We are pleased to present live performance of the Chinese traditional musical instruments on Saturday night 7:30-8:30PM.

  • 8/30/2019: Welcome to reserve our multi-function banquet room - available with smart TV & Projector & Bluetooth Speaker & Disco Ball

    • 10/09/2017: 牛城小尾羊推出正宗精美川菜 ( Buffalo Little Lamb now added authentic fine Sichuan cuisine

  • 欢迎加入Buffalo Chinese Culture Meetup 群 。一群喜欢中国文化想学习中文的老美组建的活动群,有定期的聚会活动. (Follow below steps to join Buffalo Chinese Culture Meetup)

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click on Join a movement from down below,

search Buffalo Chinese Culture Meetup. (Buffalo NY as location)

  • 10/28/2016 起牛城小尾羊隆重推出每人$25火锅任意点食(周一到周四)。(We are pleased to offer a $25/person hot pot buffet option on Monday to Thursday)

  • 9/11/2016 6:30pm : 水牛城小尾羊9月11(星期日)晚6:30pm 迎新生演唱会. (New student welcome concert, 下面链接是歌手介绍 ).

  • 8/8/2016 - 8/12/2016:

Live stream of the international Dota 2 championship. 大厅大屏幕直播 Dota 2 国际决赛.