Buckingham Morris Minor Club

Latest News  - next meeting Tuesday 24th September 2024 

 British Legion Winslow - Last Tuesday of the Month 7:00 for 7:30 start

(Elmfields Gate, Winslow, Buckingham, MK18 3JG)

See Events Page for upcomming outings

The Buckingham Branch was launched in early 2014 with the purpose of bringing together Morris Minor enthusiasts in the local area. 

Attracting both existing and new enthusiasts to promote the longevity of the loveable Morris Minor is our key aim.

It is so important to inspire the next generation of Morris Minor owners to ensure these vehicles are nurtured beyond our lifetime – hopefully our proximity to the young city of Milton Keynes will help bring that about.

The Buckingham Branch meetings are held at The Royal British Legion - Winslow on the last Tuesday of the month from 7.00pm

British Legion,       Elmsfield Gate , Winslow (just of the High Street)

Our aim is to enjoy our cars to the full. Days out, car shows, treasure hunts, and  of  course  monthly meetings in a convivial setting are all on the agenda.  Click above  for the Calender for planned events

Having the support mechanism of fellow club members to share advice and knowledge on how to maintain these cherished vehicles, provides reassurance to owners whatever their level of experience.

NOTE - Facebook page access is  club members only