Love scouting and want to work or need Volunteer hours?

Post date: Jul 23, 2018 10:39:19 PM

If you are 14 and want to volunteer to work at Base Camp, you can click on the link below to apply to be a volunteer. You may want to work during the summer with younger scouts or be in a CIT (Counselor in Training) Program. You might even get paid work if you are an older scout. OR you might be able to work on weekend programs during the school year.

Maybe you wish to help around the camp as part of a work crew beautifying the camp or doing conservation work. So many possibilities.

Apply to be a Base Camp Volunteer!

The New England Base Camps and their 5 satellite programs locations provide outdoor education and character education opportunities across Eastern MA. The two primary locations (Blue Hills – just outside Boston and Kingston NH on the MA border) provide year-round programs for families and school age children each weekend.

The Boy Scouts of America has long been one of America’s largest volunteer organization with over 100 years of youth development experience and 50 million alumni nationwide. Now that the Boy Scouts are actively seeking to unlock the magic of their curriculum for all families who want to raise children of character – they are also able to provide impactful short-term volunteer opportunities.

These opportunities are great for older teens looking for hands on experience in teaching, coaching or youth development. The volunteer hours are often recognized by school districts and other organizations to fulfill community service requirements. Young adults will be trained and often work along-side educational or recreation professionals.

The opportunities are also great for older folks or retirees. Most the volunteer “heavy lifting” in Scouting is provided by the parents of the children in the program. The short-term volunteer roles provide support and expertise to those parents. As a weekend program volunteer your role will be to impart skills that you’ve acquired throughout your life to children. The program is so robust that virtually every life skill is a part of the curriculum, so even if you’ve never camped, and can’t navigate by the stars, it’s OK! We still need your unique skills so kids can learn about computers, citizenship, gardening and hundreds of other activities.

Click here if you wish to be a Volunteer

Click here if you wish to be Base Camp staff