It's Popcorn Time!

It's Popcorn Time!

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  1. Why do we sell popcorn?

  2. Popcorn sales are our only Pack fundraiser throughout the scout year.

  3. The funds we raise through popcorn sales are critical to our annual budget.

  4. Our annual dues are the only other source of income, but are not nearly enough to cover our annual expenses.

  5. What are the benefits?

  6. Unlike many other fundraisers that schools and sports participate in, popcorn sales actually provides a substantial return.

  7. 70%of popcorn sale proceeds are dedicated to local scouting and of that percentage the Pack will get 31%.

  8. The Pack also keeps 100% of all cash donations we receive at storefront sales.

  9. If we do not raise sufficient income through fundraising then we are forced to either eliminate activities throughout the year, or ask parents to pay for those activities out of their own pockets.

  10. Are all families required to participate in this fundraiser?

  11. No, you will not be kicked out of the Pack if you don’t participate.

  12. However, our hope is that everyone will feel that it is important to do their part, whether by participating in selling or providing an equivalent donation.

  13. We all enjoy the benefits of scouting, so it is only fair that we all make an effort to contribute towards its success in some way.

  14. What incentives are there for selling?

  15. There are a lot of incentives designed to make this a rewarding experience for all families.

  16. Prizes and raffle prizes offered via the Council.

  17. How to claim prizes?

  18. Trail’s End Rewards has a prize flyer with examples of prizes that the Scouts can buy with their Gift Card. To see the flyer, visit but remember, your Scouts can select any of the millions of items on

  19. What is the difference between Show & Sell, Take Orders, and Online sales?

  20. Show and Sell occurs in September.

  21. This is when we sit out in front of local business with product in hand.

  22. Take Order occurs in October.

  23. We take order forms door to door (Mom and Dad can also take them to work).

  24. There is a greater selection of products at this time than during Show & Sell.

  25. Online involves selling via the internet.

  26. This can be a great option for out of town family and friends.

  27. The product selection again varies a little from the other options.

  28. What are the dates for Show and Sell sales?

  29. Show and Sell begins in September.

  30. How do I sign up for Show and Sell times?

  31. Sign up for shifts through the trail-ends app. Find a time and location that works for you.

  32. How many times can I sign up for Show and Sell slots?

  33. We would love for you to sign up for as many slots as you are willing to do.

  34. Can more than one scout sell at the same place/time?

  35. Yes, scouts are certainly allowed to work together; however, we do want to take advantage of filling as many of the time slots as possible.

  36. On any given day sales can vary dramatically depending on time of day and location.

  37. The broader our coverage is the greater our chances of hitting the most successful slots.

  38. But before signing up for a time that someone else has already requested, please make sure you have asked for permission to share their time.

  39. Some scouts may be working towards a particular sales goal which will be cut in half if they work with another scout.

  40. What do I wear when selling?

  41. Class A's uniform are required.

  42. It promotes scouting and the scouts look great in uniform.

  43. That alone can help increase sales.

  44. What do I need to bring with me when participating in Show and Sell?

  45. It is recommended that you bring the following items:

  46. - a table big enough to display your product

  47. - a sales tracking sheet

  48. - small bills for change (Do not rely on the store you’re parked in front for change.

  49. It is not their responsibility to provide this and we don’t want to get on their bad side since they are doing us a huge service by allowing us to be there) :

  50. - a donation box/jar

  51. - popcorn (of course)

  52. - water (it does get hot and you want to stay hydrated)

  53. - chair only for the parents as the scouts should be standing during sales

  54. - any signs/posters your scout might want to make to help to help promote popcorn

  55. We are supposed to get a few banners from the Council that we can share.

  56. Where do I get the popcorn?

  57. Popcorn Kernel, Lila Aylstock, will be your popcorn source.

  58. Please coordinate with Lila in advance of your sales slot to get what you need.

  59. Can I stay and continue to sell beyond my designated time slot?

  60. Check the schedule before you head out.

  61. If there is no one signed up to sell in the slot behind you and you’d like to stay and sell longer you are welcome to do so. Make sure you on the Trails-End App for each time slot.

  62. Otherwise, please be respectful of whoever is next and allow the next person to get set up and ready at their designated time.

  63. Where do I set up my table?

  64. You obviously want to be close to the door to catch everyone as they enter/exit, but please make sure you are not blocking any walk ways.

  65. Some of the store employees may direct you to where they prefer you to set up.

  66. We need to make sure we are not being disruptive to their store in any way so that they continue to allow us to return next year.

  67. What are the dates for Take Order sales?

  68. We take orders from July 1 – October 25, 2020.

  69. All forms and money will need to be turned into Lila NO LATER THAN October 25th so that she can meet October 27 deadline to get everything turned in to the Council.

  70. We will receive our popcorn from the Council November 15th, 2019.

  71. You can then pick up your orders from Lila that weekend and deliver to your customers.

  72. The Take Order phase also provides the perfect opportunity for you to take care of a little holiday shopping.

  73. Buy a bag or tin of popcorn for a teacher/coach/friend/relative and you’ll be supporting your scout, supporting the pack, and marking things off your to do list all in one easy step.

  74. As long as you keep your popcorn unopened and indoors it will stay fresh for about 6 months.

  75. When can we participate in Online Sales?

  76. Online sales can actually be done any time throughout the year.

  77. However, only online sales completed from the start of Show & Sale through the end of the Take Order phases (July1 thru October 31) will count towards this year’s sales totals and incentive awards.

  78. How do I get started with Online Sales?

  79. Just go to and follow the link to create an account for your scout. Your account will be the same each year so save your login information.