
Integrate others’ positions and perspectives into your writing ethically, appropriately, and effectively.

For project 1, I had to search outside the text I was analyzing for ideas and data to support my analysis of the effectiveness of Dr. Quinones-Hinojosa's essay "Terra Firma". I was able to find sources that described the economic conditions in further detail that Dr. Q had referenced. I also found numbers related to the amount of illegal immigrants within the United States. I attempted to correctly cite my sources in the appropriate MLA format, however it turns out I didn't do it correctly the first time. Using feedback from my Instructional Assistant, "Need to cite the page number as well. (Resnick 10) for example", I was able to effectively and appropriately integrate information and data from others into my own essay.

When including other people's ideas and perspectives its important to do it in a way that is fair to them. If someone expresses an opinion you have an obligation as a writer to try and preserve their views without distorting them in some way. That is an ethical treatment of another's perspective. It could also be as simple as quoting them correctly rather than cherry-picking words or phrases that would go against their original meaning (out of context). For project 2, I included direct quotes from my interview regarding engineering vocabulary. I feel I effectively used the quote to support my subject.

In a commentary I think its important to make sure and at least acknowledge counter arguments to your own. I don't quote anyone directly in my project but I do reference the fact that there are many articles out there that claim the exact opposite to what I am claiming. I play a bit of a devil's advocate to discredit their arguments and say that even if what they were claiming WAS true (even though much research says its not) its not the end of the world. I liken written English to a tool, and that tool's use and effectiveness is by and large determined by whoever is using it. "As a tool for conveying ideas and information, the efectiveness seems to be determined by its users. The structure may not be as flowery and aesthetically pleasing as an Olde English script, but if this is not a general requirement of its users than it is no matter"