

University of Maryland, College Park

ECON 442: Globalization and Capital Markets (undergraduate), Spring 2015

ECON 416: Theory of Economic Development (undergraduate), Summer 2014

ECON 315: Economic Development of Underdeveloped Areas (undergraduate), Fall 2017 and Spring 2018

Teaching Assistant

University of Maryland College Park

ECON 155: The Economics of the College Affordability Crisis (undergraduate), Spring 2017

ECON 111: Thinking Like an Economist (undergraduate), Fall 2016

ECON 201: Principles of Macroeconomics (undergraduate), Spring 2016

ECON 300: Methods and Tools for Economic Analysis (undergraduate), Spring 2013 and Fall 2014

ECON 200: Principles of Microeconomics (undergraduate), Fall 2012

Brigham Young University

ECON 431: Economic Development (undergraduate), Winter 2012 and Spring 2012

ECON 380: Price Theory I (undergraduate), Winter 2011, Spring 2011, and Fall 2011