Stephen Brusatte, Teaching

I am on the faculty of the School of GeoSciences at the University of Edinburgh: the largest group of earth scientists in the UK and the department with the greatest concentration of 'world leading' and 'internationally excellent' geoscientists in the country (according to the REF 2014 assessment!).

I am the co-director (with Rachel Wood) of Edinburgh's exciting new one-year MScR program in Palaeontology and Geobiology. For more information on our program, or to apply, please visit our website. If you want to do a graduate studies in paleontology in Edinburgh, please get in touch!

At Edinburgh I teach several courses:

Evolution of the Living Earth (EASC08023): I am one of the instructors on this first-year introductory course for geology majors (and other earth science students). During the first five weeks of the course I give a series of lectures and practicals that introduce students to paleontology and tell the story of the evolution of life. I teach on this course wtih Alex Thomas and Bryne Ngwenya.

Palaeontology and Sedimentology (EASC10006): I am the leader of the palaeontology portion of the course, which is a third-year advanced course on the fossil record. I deliver several lectures and practicals, and lead fieldtrips in which students find and analyze fossils from across the Paleozoic and Mesozoic of Scotland. Also teaching on this course are Alastair Robertson, Dick Kroon, Rachel Wood, and Stuart Haszeldine.

Topics in Palaeobiology and Evolution (EASC 10100): I am one of the instructors on this fourth-year advanced undergraduate seminar and reading-based course, which introduces students to the latest research and controversies in the field of paleontology. I teach this course with Rachel Wood and Dick Kroon.

Petroleum Systems: Helmsdale Field Excursion (EASC10108): I am one of the instructors (along with course leader Mark Wilkinson) on this week-long field trip to the beautiful Highlands hamlet of Helmsdale, which is tailored for third-year students and occurs a couple of weeks before the start of the academic year in September. This is a general sedimentology, geomorphology, and field geology course, and also includes fossil prospecting in the fossiliferous Jurassic mudstones and sandstones near Helmsdale and Brora.

I am also the Head of Postgraduate Research Training and Progress, which entails teaching the Research Planning and Management (PRGE11014) course for all of our first-year research postgraduate students.

Chinese 2+2 Program: Along with program coordinator Anton Ziolkowski, I am an academic administrator for the School of GeoSciences' 2+2 program, which allows high-achieving students from five partner universities in China to study for two years in Edinburgh (years 3 and 4 of our curriculum) and finish with dual undergraduate degrees from their home university and the University of Edinburgh. So far we have welcomed 15+ excellent students to Edinburgh through this program and are always recruiting more! If you are from one of our partner universities (China University of Petroleum, Beijing; Nanjing University; China University of GeoSciences, Beijing; Chengdu University; China University of GeoSciences, Wuhan) and are interested in Edinburgh, please do get in touch!