Rules of Bridge

Like any game, bridge has rules - lots and lots of rules! There are 93 Rules (Laws). The current version is the 2017 Version. The laws are periodically updated to make the the scoring more equitable across all competitions, especially if there has been an irregularity, and to define how to handle a bidding or play irregularity. The Laws are very complex and convoluted; it is worse than contract law. Understanding the rules is an important dimension of the game!

Remember - the Director is your friend! Whenever there is an irregularity, CALL THE DIRECTOR IMMEDIATELY!

Don't feel embarrassed or that you will be looked on as being mean or a complainer. Calling the Director is just part of the game!

Attached are the following files that you can view on-line or download to study at your leisure or when you have insomnia!

  1. "2017 Laws of Duplicate Bridge" The ACBL has videos explaining the recently changed rules and other resources. The Monthly Bridge Bulletin also has a series called "Ruling the Game," which is the first thing I read every month.

  2. "2017 Guidelines for ACBL Application of Law 23 Comparable Calls" Explains 2017 Comparable Call rule change.

  3. "2017 Laws Changes Discussion" Identifies changed laws, the change that was made and discusses the rationale for the change.

  4. "2019 ACBL Type Events and Convention Levels" Explains what conventions can be used at what level of play at what type of events. Important to understated if you are an Advanced player playing in a tournament against less experienced players.

  5. "ACBL Alert Procedures" Detailed explanation of what an "Alert" is is, when an alert must be given, etc.

  6. "ACBL Alert Chart" One page chart that summarizes the Alert Procedures.

  7. "ACBL Club Directors Handbook" Contains everything you might have though you wanted to know about a club and were smart enough not to ask!

  8. "ACBL Convention Card" Copy of the Convention Card. This link provides information explaining the different parts of the Convention Card and how to fill it out.

  9. "2008 ACBL Duplicate Decisions" Plain English discussion of how many of the rules are applied using practical examples. An excellent reference!

  10. "ACBLScore User Manual".. Explains the use of ACBL Score Program to set up games and all its related functions.

  11. "2019 Masterpoint Awards" Detailed discussion of how masterpoint awards are calculated. colors, etc.

I am sure this is more than you ever wanted to know!

There are two special subpages. 1. How to fill out a Convention Card 2. Discussion of 2108 ACBL Convention Charts