Welcome to my academic webpage

I am a Full Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, and an external faculty at MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research.  

My research focuses on informing the design of public policies, and my publications cover a wide range of social issues including climate change and the energy transition, population growth and biodiversity, and minimum wage regulation. I have received funding for my research from the Swiss National Science Foundation and InnoSuisse. I am also an Associate Editor for the Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy

I regularly collaborate with governmental agencies and private companies to analyze economic data, administer surveys, or design experiments and informational interventions on topics of joint interest. Feel free to contact me for potential projects.  

My teaching focuses on microeconomics, public economics and data science / applied econometrics. 

Curriculum Vitae   |  Google Scholar    |  Repec  |  LinkedIn

L'économie de l'environnement : un oxymore ? 

Contact information:

Institute of Economic Research
Université de Neuchâtel
Rue A.-L. Breguet 2
CH-2000 Neuchâtel,  Switzerland

Office: 1.238

Tel: +41 32 718 1455 (GMT+1)
E-mail: bruno (dot) lanz   ( a t )   unine (dot) ch

Current appointments: 

Selected recent publications: