
Do Workfare Programs Live Up to their Promises? Experimental Evidence from Côte d'Ivoire  New Version   VoxDev 

with Marianne Bertrand, Alicia Marguerie and Patrick Premand, 2024

DIrect and Indirect Effects of Subsidized Dual Apprenticeships

with Patrick Premand, 2021 Conditionaly accepted at Review of Economic STUDies

Designing Labor Market Recommender Systems: How to Improve Human-based Search, 

with Guillaume Bied, Philippe Caillou, Christophe Gaillac, Elia Pérennes and Michèle Sebag

Fairness in job recommendations: estimating, explaining, and reducing gender gaps

with Guillaume Bied, Christophe Gaillac, Morgane Hoffmann, Philippe Caillou, Solal Nathan and Michèle Sebag, presented at AEQUITAS 2023

Can a Website Bring Unemployment Down? Experimental Evidence from France

with Aicha Ben Dhia, Esther Mbih, Louise Paul-Delvaux, Bertille Picard and Vincent Pons, 2023, Revise and Resubmit JOurnal of Labor Economics

Toward Job Recommendation for All

with Guillaume Bied, Solal Nathan, Elia Perennes, Morgane Hoffman, Philippe Caillou, Bruno Crépon, Christophe Gaillac and Michèle Sebag IJCAI (AI And Social Good Track), 2023. Also presented at ECML PKDD, AI4HR Workshop, 2023.

System-, teacher-, and student-level interventions for improving participation in online learning at scale in high schools. 

With Igor Asanov, Anastasia Asanov, Thomas Åstebro, Guido Buenstorf, David McKenzie, Francisco Flores, Mona Mensmann and Mathis Schulte M. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2023 Jul 25;120(30)

Is It Who You Are or What You Get? Comparing the Impacts of Loans and Grants for Microenterprise Development

with Mohamed El Komi and Adam Osman, 2022, Forthcoming American Economic Journal: Applied

Are Active Labor Market Policies Directed at Firms Effective? Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation with Local Employment Agencies

with Yann Algan and Dylan Glover, 2022, Revise and Resubmit Review of Economic STUDies

Designing labor market recommender systems: the importance of job seeker preferences and competition WP

with Guillaume Bied, Philippe Caillou, Christophe Gaillac, Elia Perennes and Michele Sebag, 2022

Congestion-Avoiding Job Recommendation with Optimal Transport
with Guillaume Bied, Elia Perennes, Victor Alfonso Naya, Philippe Caillou, Christophe Gaillac and Michele Sebag, FEAST workshop ECML-PKDD 2021, Sep 2021, Bilbao, Spain (2021) 27:72.

Location, Housing and Employment Opportunity Trade-Offs

with Vera Chiodi and Guillermo Cruces, 2021

Teaching Labor Laws: Evidence From a Randomized Control Trial in South Africa

with Marianne Bertrand  2021  American Economic Journal: Applied

Evaluating the Impact of Entrepreneurship Edutainment in Egypt: An Experimental Approach

with Ghada Barsoum, Drew Gardiner, Bastien Michel and William Parienté, 2021  Economica

Designing, testing and learning from recommendation systems: an experiment with the Public Employment Service in France Slides

with Guillaume Bied, Philippe Caillou, Christophe Gaillac, Elia Perennes and Michele Sebag, 2021

Verifying the internal validity of a flagship RCT: A review of Crépon, Devoto, Duflo and Parienté”: A rejoinder

with Florencia Devoto, Esther Duflo and William Parienté , 2019

Correcting beliefs to increase health investments: a field experiment among the disadvantaged

with Julie Pernaudet, 2019

Cream skimming and the comparison between social interventions Evidence from entrepreneurship programs for at-risk youth in France

with Esther Duflo, Elise Huillery, William Pariente, Juliette Seban and Paul-Armand Veillon, 2018

Private Providers of Labor Market Services: A Review of the Evidence

 in Future Employment Services, Andreas Bergsröm and Lars Calmfors Eds, Fores, 2018

Information Shocks and the Empirical Evaluation of Training Programs During Unemployment Spells

 with Marc Ferracci, Grégory Jolivet and Gerard van den Berg, 2018 Journal of Applied Econometrics

Naitre Study on the impact of Conditional Cash Transfer on Poor Pregnancy Outcomes Underpriviledged Women

Naitre Study Group, 2017 BMJ open

A Field Experiment on the Demand for Health Risk Prevention Among the Elderly WP Version

with Simon Beck and Lucile Romanello, 2017

What Works for Young Disadvantaged Job Seekers: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment WP Version

with Thomas Le Barbanchon Helene Naegele Roland Rathelot Philippe Zamora, 2017

Active Labor Market Programs WP Version

with Gerard Van den Berg, 2016 Annual Review of Economics

Unintended Effects of Anonymous resumes

with Luc Behaghel and Thomas Le Barbanchon, 2015 American Economic Journal: Applied Economics

Please Call Again: Correcting Non-Response Bias in Treatment Models

With Luc Behaghel, Marc Gurgand and Thomas Le Barbanchon, 2015 The Review of Economic and Statistics

Estimating the Impact of Microcredit on Those who Take It Up: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Morocco

with Florencia Devoto Esther Duflo and William Parienté, 2015 American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 

Private and Public Provision of Counseling to Job-Seekers: Evidence from a Large Controlled Experiment 

with Luc Behaghel and Marc Gurgand, 2014 American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 6(4): 142-74

Do Labor Market Policies Have Displacement Effects: Evidence from a Clustered Randomized Experiment

with Esther Duflo, Marc Gurgand, Roland Rathelot and Philippe Zamora, 2013 Quarterly Journal of Economics vol. 128(2), pages 531-580, 

Youth Initiative Review Paper

with Marianne Bertrand, Amanda Chuan, Raphael Haget, Meghan Mahoney, David Murphy, Alexandre Naud, Shawn Powers, and Kudzai Takavarasha

Is Counseling Welfare Recipients Cost-Effective? Lessons from a Randomized Experiment

with Marc Gurgand, Thierry Kamionka and Laurent Lequien, April 2012

Training the Unemployed in France: How Does It Affect Unemployment Duration and Recurrence?

With Marc Ferracci and Denis Fougere, 2012  Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, No. 107-108, 175-199

Being surveyed can change later behavior and related parameter estimates

with Alix Zwanea, Jonathan Zinman, Eric Van Dusene, William Pariente, Clair Null, Edward Miguel, Michael Kremer, Dean Karlan, Richard Hornbeck, Xavier Giné, Esther Duflo, Florencia Devoto and Abhijit Banerjee, February 2011, Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 108, no. 5 pp. 1821–1826

Analyszing the Anticipation of Treatment using Data on Notification Dates

With Marc Ferracci, Gregory Jolivet and Gerard Van den Berg, October 2010

Active Labor Market Policies in a Dynamic Setting

With Marc Ferracci, Gregory Jolivet and Gerard Van den Berg, November 2008, Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 7(2-3), pages 595-605, 04-05

Foreword", Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, Special Issue on Econometric Evaluation of Public Policies: Methods and Applications, n° 91-92, 3-8

With Denis Fougere, March 2008

Information Technologies and Productivity: Microeconometric Evidence for France

With Thomas Heckel and Nicolas Riedinger, 2007 Annals of Economics and Statistics

Price-Cost Margins and Rent Sharing: Evidence from a Panel of French Manufacturing Firms

With Rozenn Desplatz and Jacques Mairesse, 2007 Annals of Economics and Statistics

The Perverse Effects of Partial Employment Protection Reform: The Case of French Older Workers

With Luc Behaghel and Beatrice Sedillot, November 2007, Journal of Public Economics, Volume 92, Issues 3-4, April 2008, pp. 696-721

Price-Cost Margins and Rent Sharing: Evidence from a Panel of French Manufacturing Firms

With Rozenn Desplatz and Jacques Mairesse, April 2007

Testing Exclusion Restrictions at Infinity in the Semiparametric Selection Model

March 2006

Counseling the Unemployed: Does It Lower Unemployment Duration and Recurrence?

with Muriel Dejemeppe and Marc Gurgand, October 2005

Bank loans, start-up subsidies and the survival of the new firms: an econometric analysis at the entrepreneur level

With Emmanuel Duguet, May 2003

Evaluation of the effects of payroll tax subsidies for low wage workers

With Rozenn Desplatz, January 2002

Using Matching Estimators to Evaluate Alternative Youth Employment Programs: Evidence from France, 1986-1988

With Thomas Brodaty and Denis Fougere, June 2001

Employed 40 Hours or Not-Employed 39: Lessons from the 1982 Mandatory Reduction of the Workweek

with Francis Kramarz, 2002, Journal of Political Economy, 110, 6, 1355-1389

Moment Estimation with Attrition

With John Abowd and Francis Kramarz, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96, 456, December, 1223-1231

Parameters of Interest, Nuisance Parameters, and Orthogonality Conditions: An Application to Autoregressive Error Component Models,

With Francis Kramarz and Alain Trognon, 1998, Journal of Econometrics, 82, 135-156

Estimating the Innovation Function from Patent Numbers: GMM on Count Panel Data

With Emmanuel Duguet, 1997 Journal of Applied Econometrics, vol. 12(3) : 243-263

Research and development, competition and innovation: an application of pseudo-maximum likelihood methods to Poisson models with heterogeneity

With Emmanuel Duguet, 1997 Journal of Econometrics, vol. 79(1) : 355-378


Politiques de l'emploi: Apprendre de l'expérience

With Gerard Van den Berg, Presse de Sciences-Po, 2017

Econometrie: Méthodes et Applications

With Nicolas Jacquemet, DeBoeck, 2010