(2) Risk Survey

In order to gather the data necessary for the risk analysis tool, a survey was debuted at the CubeSat Workshop in April 2013. I then followed up with the CubeSat list serve as well as the Small Sat 2012 conference attendees via email to increase the number of survey responses. Below is the information I sent to these list serves.


The global CubeSat community is in need of a systematic analysis for measuring the likelihood of events which could cause risk and potential mission failures. The survey results will be used to create a historical statistical database which will give quantitative scales for measuring the likelihood and consequence of different types of CubeSat mission risks. The survey takes 15-30 minutes to complete.

Current risk analysis methods simply ask the program manager or systems engineer to rank the perceived risks on a subjective scale of likelihood and consequence for the event occurring. This survey will provide a verifiable justification for determining the likelihood and consequence of actual events that have occurred on CubeSat projects.

When completed, the results of this survey will be made available to all engineers who have participated. Future CubeSat mission engineers worldwide will be able to assess the applicability of different risks on previously developed missions in order to determine and manage their own mission risks effectively.

This work is part of the PhD research of Katharine Brumbaugh at the University of Texas at Austin, under the guidance of her advisor, Dr. Glenn Lightsey. If you have any questions or comments regarding this survey, please contact Katharine directly at: katharine.m.brumbaugh@utexas.edu

At your earliest convenience please visit the survey link below, accompanied by the consequence criteria to be used throughout the survey. A survey companion guide is available if you wish to understand the intention and purpose of each question in the survey. Please feel free to forward this information to other satellite designers.


Mission Risk Survey Form: The form was created using the student/professional version of SoGoSurvey.com.This survey, debuted at the CubeSat Workshop 2013 in late April 2013, can be found here: http://goo.gl/Y8Z14

A Survey Cover Letter briefly explaining the purpose and links for all relevant documents can be found here: PDF

A Survey Companion Guide can be found here: PDF. This document describes each question in more detail wtih the purpose and proposed method of analyzing results also included.

The Mission Risk Consequence/Severity Criteria which will be referred to throughout the survey may be found here: PDF

If you are interested in receiving updates on the status of this research, please send an email to: cubesat-risk-management+subscribe@googlegroups.com