
  ( brou       ( brou ) 





 Original idea of the Special4u website 1993-94, at CERN, Switzerland, developed first at 50Megs, then at Angelfire, 1996, and at Google, 1998.  

frontpage4u   How to   Angelfire  ( ungefär 10600 träffar på 0,45 sekunder, på Google med följande top rubriker från 2000 till 2022 ) : 

Clock-Time-Date-Calendar-Calculator-Weather-Sun&Moon ( + )  Norway  Deutschland    Climate change   News   

Languages  SimulTranslat  Voice to voice Tr.  Google (  +  )   Wikipedia  (  +  )   Social Media  Video  Music  Maps  Ecology  Food  Foodshit   Healthcare  Medical   BigPharma  Vet  HiTech  Communications  Vehicles  Transports  Infrastructures  Building  Housing  Clothing   Economy  Growth  Markets  Companies   Press  Magazines  Scientific Publications  School  Arts  Education  Military Industrial Complex   War  Alert ... more ... Future ...  

Completed and improved 2023 as listed below :  


words, texts, sentences, punctuation marks, signs, calligraphy, images, icons, logos, colors, symbols, names, languages, countries, social networks / social media ...



Switched off, turned out, old links can be switched on, re-connected, re-activated ...  by finding out their new URL on Google ( or other search engine ), and replacing them on the Special4u lists of links ( if these old links still exist, of course ! ). 


( to open this page,  first sign in, then open : 


then open the page   https://sites.google.com/site/brouillon4u/  

with the Headline " Home ", 

with the pencil symbol "Edit this page" 

down on the right corner of the page, 

right click on this symbol, 

then edit. )  



Text in a text box 












rough  draft  blueprint  outline  plan  ... 

brouillon  ébauche  esquisse  tirage  maquette 

croquis  sketch  schéma  aperçu  modèle 

exemple  ... 



utkast, förslag, skiss, förstudie, koncept

kladd, förarbete, idé ... 


Kladde - Konzept - Rohentwurf - Rohfassung


en borrador - esbozo - minuta





Typography   -  Calligraphy 


justera text 

adjust text 

text-align methods   





( this is the URL of the image below, 

  probably fetched at   deviantart   )   



The Baltic Watch  


On Earth,  about a Mega site,  with World info


The Past,  Today,  Tomorrow ??? Future   




A quickly changing World   



New reserve currency systems   





What seems to be accelerating ?      



taking today's Humans IC  (Int Stud)  


beyond the Digital Info Age                



into  "new"  Quantum Universes     



whether it's  Peace ...                          or  War 


Long term Data Storage,  Nanoform 

On Space Nodes ...          Maybe on  


Actualidad y novedades sobre 

Latinoammérica - RTVE.es 

Sigue las ultimas noticias, actualidad y n...  





        Click on image      Right click : loop     Settings  Speed 


Select any other at : 



LAN. Esports. Music. Cosplay. Streamers ...

We got it all. Welcome to DreamHack in : 


Leipzig - Rio de Janeiro - Tours - Dallas -

Summer - Valencia - Montreal - Rotterdam -

Atlanta - Winter - Sevilla - Mumbai -

Stockholm - Copenhagen - Jönköping - Göteborg - 


Get your tickets now














  forumz. W            















Collapse français 


 URL : 




 Extraits des pages suivantes en anglais,   

 pêle mêle dans l'ordre où elles ont été 

 enregistrées chronologiquement, 

 avec quelques références en français : 


 12 - Real  Big  Questions - Really  Big 1s  


 22 - at  war  ( en guerre )    



Inversion de la rotation terrestre  

La Terre peut inveser son sens de rotation   



Didier Raoult  ( Français ) 

Covid 19 chez des militaires ???  ( Français )    

Même question posée a Google    ( Français ) 



Crise écolo = crise sanitaire 


Differents points de vue pandémie 


Effondrement  ( en français )  ??? 

Collapsologie  ( Français

Théorie de l'effondrement  ( français ) 




Le pire des cas - carte 






Changement sociétal ou effondrement ?

Vidéos en français

Déliquescencedes pouvoirs politiques

par F. Sauzey



"La question de la Répartition des Richesses dans le monde,

ainsi que d'autres problèmes primordiaux, ne trouveront de 

solution que dans les convultions d'une 3ème GM ???" 

by PAT ( in French )  



Tout est foutu 


Collapsologie  ( Français


Théorie de l'effondrement 



 haineux, s' attaquant aux flics, pompiers, ambulances ..., 

  aussi par jeu, se sentant intouchables, impunissables ... 

Si on les débarquait aux îles Crozet ou Kerguélen, 

pour minimum 5 piges, et puis démerdez-vous,  

au lieu de la prison-hôtel avec chocolat-chaud au p'tit-dej,  

jeux-vidéo, portables, pognon-dans-l'cul, réinsertion-bidon ...,  



   What if a worst case scenario becomes a reality, 

   from 2020 and on, for several of the following      

   possible big big problems in the same time ???  :  


    Besides evolutionary effects of natural creation,    

    also as a result of the general use and abuse of       

    the planet resources on a global scale, and of the   

    wild dispersion, proliferation, of waste, scraps ...,   

     ...          sustainability    


  Pandemic only a beginning ??? 












for anybody, indoors or outdoors, 

at school, for kids, students, teachers,  

phd, doctorate, MD, nurses, staff, 

for all professionals, crews, 

people working with computer data,

workers, engineers, scientists ..., 

for civilians, police, military, 

army, navy, air force, firefighters ..., 

for artists, showbiz, gaming, sports ..., 

for research, journalism, snooping, 

or just for curiosity ..., for seniors 

who have much life experience ..., 






Hypothesis and Theory ARTICLE

Front. Neurosci., 18 March 2015 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2015.00055

The ecology of human fear: survival optimization and the nervous system 



Survival of the Richest - Wikipedia



 Sports in English 



absolute best internet sites in the world - Sök på Google


top best internet companies - Google Search  


top best internet companies - Google Search  


List of largest Internet companies - Wikipedia


List of the largest software companies - Wikipedia


List of largest technology companies by revenue - Wikipedia  


The 10 Important URLs That Every Google User Should Know - Digital Inspiration  


The 101 Most Useful Websites on the Internet - Digital Inspiration  



 divshare   password :  bizart10   



Foire d'enpoigne covid face a un pouvoir francais impotent   

                                                  au pouvoir politique impotent               



 https://tenor.com/view/hack-pc-guy-fawkes-hacker-gif-17047231   ( Black Hat - Gif )  


Untitled document

 "New Perspectives" about where Humans 

live and die, and about their primary and 

absolutely essential needs  

( selected Keywords ).  



For most of these keywords above, there are most often scientific facts available. For sectors of human activities, industrial branches, businesses, commercial markets, education, research, studies, press articles ...,  search, and debate them, at Google or on its Alternatives. 


For Humans, Animals, Micro-organisms, and Plants ( Vegetation ), physical structure changes, and anatomy modifications, are constant, permanent, variable, and have probably always been going on, in all times, or at least since their genesis ( Evolution ). 




( Specially 4u, and also for, or by, pools of journalists, reporters, authors, writers, publishers, publicists, specialists, experts, researchers, critics, investigators ... , or simply for the ones a bit interested, or more curious, about :

The following selected Topics, Issues, Questions, Subjects, Matters, Problems, Concerns, Controversies, Printed Stuff ..., already published, or in preparation, by persons, or teams of professionals.

The sources of every entry mentioned below on this site, has been at least double checked, in order to limit the risk of giving voice to "fake stuff". )







Many examples of 

successful,  positive,  profitable  AI  at 

company, organization, larger or smaller groups level,  

or even for an individual person, 

can be displayed as convincing evidence 

of the goodness of AI

Of course, the opposite is also true. 

So it is for telephony, a bicycle, or a knife, 

or any tool, as AI is nothing but a tool ...  




 Top Food Specialités étoilées Morilles  Truffes Champignons Grenouilles Nordic Zander Pikeperch Fruits de mer Marée Fromages Nordic Berries  Fruits Boulangerie Pâtisserie  Confiserie Desserts 



Thé Café Tisane  

Vins Alcools Champagne...