
22 - at war

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" La logique de l'absurde, ou le plan de l'irrationnel ? "

"War Games that were, are, or can be real"

List of best-selling video games by 2015 24 - DRONES

Past HISTORY Now 2015 ... 2150 ...

History of War Histoire de la Guerre Kriegsgeschichte

"The least a fair Military Intelligence officer should know" :

Army Intel Navy Sub Air Force Nukes WMD Terror




22 - WAR

23 - PEACE


" Vae Victis ... "

Brennus, Rome, 390 BC


Eisenhower Farewell Address


By 2016, countries likely to start WW3

Future WW3, WW4, WW5 ...

possible scenari from what

is known 2015 about wars.

Some conspiracy theories real ?

War at Google : at war History of WAR

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NSA Quantum Interest 2015

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Thermobaric bombs

US Intelligence NATO NATO Eastern Flank



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together on a 1st page of Entangled categories,

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About WAR

Some basic Historical readings about War:

History of War at Google

Prehistoric Wars Classical Antiquity Wars

Roman Legion Wars Ceasar Middle Ages

Machiavelli Colonial Wars American Wars

Napoleon Talleyrand Metternich Tolstoy

Clausewitz Clemenceau Hitler Cold War

Proxy Wars

La Guerre est un phénomène économique cyclique ???

La 2e Guerre Mondiale est la conséquence de la 1ère ???

Les Guerres Mondiales, un phénomène cyclique ???


by PAT ("auditeur libre" at Sciences Po, Paris 1959-1967)

(meetings and discussions with Porthos, Paris 1959-1967)

Historical timeline

Books & quotes by : MACHIAVELLI, VOLTAIRE,


Eisenhower Farewell Address


( private meetings & photos by PAT in Château Chinon )

Réponses en privé : "Le nationalisme, c'est la guerre."

Sur l' Europe : "Je suis plutôt fédéraliste."

Sur la Monarchie en 1990 : "Le roi c'est moi."

En 1990, sur le rétablissement d'un roi après lui :

"Resservez-moi donc de votre excellent Champagne 1982"


( meetings & private photos by PAT in Stockholm )

More readings :

Theories of War Theories of War and Peace

Antiquité Rome Cesar Franks Vikings Arabs

Middle Ages Orient 16th to 19th cent. Colonies

Anglo-French Napoleon 1870 WW1 WW2

Decolonization Cold War War Quotes War Art

Vietnam Middle-East Israel Proxy Wars

War Myths & Legends War Museums & Archives

Videos about War War no fun

War, personal testimonies :

- Historical war memories by some of PAT's ancestors,

their military commanders, and acquainted soldiers :

6 generations of THIBAULT-relatives at war,

- under Louis XVI (King of France),

and under the French Revolution,

by Colonel Frédéric THIBAULT

( he saved parts of his 2 regiments at Waterloo ),

- by Adjudant Antoine CAILLAUD, "Jambe d'Argent",

great-great-grand-father of PAT,

("Jambe d'Argent" was under the direct commend of

Marshals Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte (King of Sweden),

Marshals Claude Victor Perrin, and Jean-de-Dieu Soult until Waterloo,

and under the direct commend of NAPOLEON at Waterloo),

- by Caporal Jules Pierre THIBAULT in the Pacification War of Morocco

( 1898-1904 ), and WW1 ( 1914-1918 ),

- by Dr. Pierre E. THIBAULT ( 1910 - 1994 ), in WW2 ( 1939-1940 ) :

Comment : "I recommend Peace",

- by PAT as a civilian contractor in the US Army Europe ( 1957-1960 ),

and as a soldier and corporal ( 1960-1962 ) in the Algerian War,

with documents, Militaria, and Photos ... :

Comment : "I recommend Peace".

War & Peace

( Most of what follows here below is, of course,

war games makers and conspiracy theorists stuff ! )

Nuke Wars 2015 to 2150 ...


With modern nuke bombs, the base of the mushroom can be

about 100 km in radius. Nothing is left but a crater of dust,

radio-active for 100 000 years. Click or touch here to see

this picture and other nuke, or neutron Videos

Nuke Nations Iran's nuke power 2015 ?

Neutron bombs EMP

How to make a neutron bomb

Electronic Warfare

Teenagers & Computer Warfare

Military Schools (search by country)

Higher War Academies

Defense-Military-Arms R&D

Army, Navy, Submarines, Air Force, Naval Aviation

Electronics, Data & Communications,

Satellites, Space Warfare,

Military Armament NEWS Industry

Jane' s Sipri Military & Weaponry press

Arms Lobbying Spying

Special Satobs : NROL-65 USA-245

Insiders + Informers Big Hack

NATO Russians Chinese SEA

Mediterranean Sea before WW3

"Could demographic and economical developments

break the trend for a build-up to WW3, WW4, WW5 ... ?

War business

Military Industrial Complex

Warmongers + NWO + Illuminati

Arms-Weapons, Guns-Ammo, merchants, traders, dealers, runners …

Spies' lies "Spies lie as they breathe"

”...financing the CIA, a normal business …”

Eisenhower Farewell Address

Cyber Warfare

Psychological Warfare

Psychological Warfare in WW3 by 2016

by the CIA The Russians

The Chinese The Koreans

Israel others ... by 2016

On the Web The NSC The NSA

Secret America Kissinger Associates ...

Some conspiracy theories real ?

The Swedish Kingdom under attack !

In cold blood in Stockholm.

What can happen if too neutral.

First published at 21 - BIG HACK the 26.02.2016

A psychological-warfare free web-novel.

With new facts. By PAT

Written when consulting qualified hackers & whistleblowers

for the following chapters :

18 - FOOD

19 - MONEY




22 - WAR

23 - PEACE



"with new approaches, points of view, opinions, & facts ..."

Buildup to WW3

Compare the following World War III topics, scenari,

plots ..., for "WW3 Kriegspiel" Games with some

examples among the hundreds of global and regional

very possible developments for a WW3 :

WW3 buildup

(Realistic games with backgrounds & facts for worldwide

strategic working hypotheses based on reality events by

autumn / falls - winter 2015)

WW3 starts deep national & political changes in Europe

Electronic Warfare EW at Wiki

EW systems B-2 EW companies

Electromagnetic Weapons

List of Electromagnetic Pulse Weapons

Dollar vs Euro currency war

Electromagnetic Warfare EM in WW3

Making money talking about the Money War

A Monetary-Financial-Stocks meltdown can start WW3

Stock Market crash can start WW3

Stock Market crash starts panic Food Stockpiling

Oil price will kill West, but not Russia

WW3 winner decides of the Reserve Currency

Religions Major Religious Conflicts in WW3

Food Wars Water wars Poverty wars

Climate Change, Desertification,

Deforestation, Water scarcity,

Food shortage, Demography,

Permafrost melting,

Methane gas release, Mass Fracking ...,

are all cause of gigantic Migrations,

and all direct factors of World Wars ???

Proxy Wars List of Proxy Wars

Example :

The Syrian war 2015, an Israeli Proxy War ???

USA + Allies vs RUSSIA + Allies :

Both parts Israel's proxies, say 2015 conspiracy theorists ???

DSK, Sarko ..., "proxy agents", say 2015 conspiracy theorists ???

Migration Wars Mass immigration frontlines

Anti-immigrant violence & riots in pre-WW3-Europe

WW3 scenario WW3 Ukraine

What’s coming BrainDrain Crisis

Ethnicity Mass migrations

Migration questions Diaspora

Unemployment Competitiveness

Migration crisis in Europe triggers WW3 ?

Major ethnic clashes in EU during WW3

Major ethnic clashes in Western EU during WW3

Major terrorist attacks on large urban centres pre- and during WW3

Non-conventional terrorism

9/11 + (by The Jerusalem Post) Mossad 9/11

Proxy Wars List of Proxy Wars

9/11 a conspiracy ??? (by NSA hackers)

Where is the WTC gold ??? (by NSA hackers)

Bin Laden died 2001 ??? (by NSA hackers)

Bin Laden died before 9 / 11 ???

Al-Qaida a hoax ??? (by NSA hackers)

Reasons for Irak war are lies ??? (by NSA hackers)

Bin Laden's death a hoax ??? (by NSA hackers)

Al-Qaida, Jihad, IS, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, Caliphate ...,

is horrible, whose horror ??? (by NSA hackers)

IS, Daesh, Caliphate, Extreme Zionism ...

end up in WW3 ??? 2 3

Extreme Zionists sure to win WW3 (2015)

Sign in Top of page Google Wikipedia

Tactical Neutron Bomb in European Islamic suburbs in WW3

(by anonymous qualified sources whose States would have

NB or / and WMD in large quantities & variaties)

"... la racaille ... au kärcher ..." (by Sarkozy)

Collateral damages of tactical Neutron Bomb use in WW3

From Israel, Kissinger, Soros ..., warnings about WW3

WW3 in Israeli press

WW3 regional possible consequences in the Mediterranean area

Israel can control Gibraltar, Dardanelles, Suez Canal, Red Sea,

Aden Gulf, Hormuz Strait, Atlantic Coasts, the English Channel ...,

with big Drones launched from Nuke Submarines in WW3, more,

or with unmanned big subs built in Germany / Sweden ???

Future Swedish unmanned big subs

(Secret project by 2015)

More Regional & Global WW3 conflict issues :

US vs China, China vs India, India vs Pakistan

WW3 starting in Afghanistan, North-South Korea

China-India-Russia alliance in WW3 or 4 ?

NATO vs Russia

Russian attacks in the Baltic / Barents regions

Can EU survive WW3 ?

Middle East, starting WW3 ?

Who can build WMD in the Middle-East 2015 ?

Israel, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Jordan ... ?

Devastation, Destructions in WW3

Where WW3 starts ... ???

En français sur Google.fr 2015 : 3ème Guerre Mondiale

France can build NB (in English by the GCMQ)

Changement de système politique avant, pendant, après la 3ème GM

3ème GM : Réduction des concentrations d' immigration en Europe

La France dans le peloton de tête des armes electro-magnétiques

Scénario 3ème Guerre Mondiale

Vers une 3ème Guerre Mondiale (article de sept 2015)

Si 3ème GM, pas avant 2017 ? (article de juin 2015)

Média Alternatif - Chaos Contrôlé

Migrations, Islamisations

Les crises migratoires en Europe déclenchent la 3ème GM ?

Ryssland angriper Sverige Finland Baltikum Danmark Norge

Spetsbergen Grönland Färöarna Iceland Åland Gotland Bornholm

Förbereda sig för en Rysk angrepp Utrikespolitik

HEMVÄRNET snabbt mångdubblas, mobiliseras

FRIVILLIGA mot Rysk angrepp i Norden

& Östersjön - Barentshavet regionen

Russia attacks Central Europe

Dritter Weltkrieg - Deutschland Dritten Weltkrieg Kriegsspiel

EU Hauptstadt in Aachen ?

UK out of EU before, during, or after WW3 ?

EU executive power in Maastritcht after WW3 ?

WW3 in the British Isles in USA in Canada on the Esequibo ...

US attack Venezuela

Who wins WW3, WW4, WW5 ... ???

WW3 scenari (by 2015)

Can Russians win WW3 ?

Ends with a "Nuremberg 2" in Kiev ???

Who's hanged at "Nuremberg 2" in Kiev ???

Whose names will be listed here for the

historical records ???

War casualties : WW1 = 37 million

Stalin' s killing = 20-40 million ???

WW2 victims = 50 to 80 million ???

(high figures include post-war and

indirect victims of the wars)

Prognostic WW3 : 1 Billion or more ???

Prognostic WW4 : 1/3 of World Population ???

Genetic Demographics

European Population 2015

" Still much more left than genetically enough

to carry further most of the crème de la crème,

the wasted demographic surplus being econo-

mically "useless" anyway ??? "

Answers to "WW3 collateral damage"

WW3 still "conventional + small nukes" ???

After Ukraine, Russia attacks probably the Baltic,

and perhaps the Nordic regions ??? (2015-2025 ?)

Russians attack in Poland for WW3 ???

Russians can switch-off all electrical systems (EMP),

inclusive all non-nuke and nuke power-plants,

all computer systems, phone-smartphone networks ...,

even personal pacemakers in hospitals, battery devices,

all vehicles in war zones ..., at anytime on any war front

portion, before getting in with ground troops ???

You can start stockpiling food and candle lights,

get a cow, a horse, a shot gun, and ammo,

just to move around a little ..., and if you live

in the woods by some protected water supply,

survive just a while more, which you'll do anyway,

if you can breathe the air ???

If the Russians win, they'll take all the Arctic oil ???

Russians + Chinese much bigger in the Antarctic ???

Any navy can 2015 operate anonymously,

big Military Drones

Télécharger (mp3 - 90.5 Mo) / Popup

Théorie du Drone par Grégoire Chamaillou

(document sonore seulement, en français)

Electromagnetic Weapons, EMP, can be activated

from long distance, with

big War-Drones launched from big unmanned subs

anywhere, anytime ???

How to build EMP weapons

EMP drones

Israel # 1 on drone market 2015

Israeli drone exports

Caucasian-Transcaspian Muslim Regions around

a "Greater Turkey", from the Black Sea to Red Sea,

whether Russia wins or loses WW3 ???

Russia confronts Turkey starting WW3 ???

Turkey, ISIL, Daesh ..., & oil black market 2015 ???

Turkish-Kurdistan war inevitable after

the Syrian war, but who wins ???

Taking Saudi, and from there, nuking Israel,

a piece of cake for Iran if allied to Russia-China ???

Iran doesn't need own nukes, they'll get them

from Russia-China for Irak oil and access to

the Indian Ocean ???

A South Med-Red Sea-Persian Gulf Alliance,

with North Africa-Libya-Egypt-Jordan-Syria-

Lebanon-a free Kurdistan-a free Israel-Saudi-

Emirates-Irak-Iran-Afghanistan-Pakistan ...,

on a redesigned political map of the region,

if Russia wins WW3 ???

A status quo of the axis "Hollywood-Manhattan-

London City-Paris-Switzerland-Tel Aviv-

Offshore - Financial Black Market -

"The Big Bucks Trail",

if USA wins WW3 ???

England, with or without Scotland, dropping

EU before WW3 ??? Tying links to US

if those do well in WW3 ???

The other way round if they do poorly ???

A strong axis Paris-Berlin (with a political capital in

Aachen, or rather in Maastricht), or a powerful triangle

London-Paris-Berlin (with a "Greater EU" base

in Brussels-Strasbourg), if EU does well in WW3,

while US loses WW3 ???

Brussels-EU agreeing with Russia on a strong axis


if US loses WW3 ?

Merkel and Putin can speak together, both in

Russian slang and German slang, alone without

witness, without the NSA-Mossad knowing a shit

about what they say !!!

Here scratching their mics so fools at GCHQ, Fort Meade, Tel Aviv, get nuts ?

Russia gets direct access to the Indian Ocean

thru its Caucasian-Transcaspian Muslim states

and allied Middle-East oil regions, building in

exchange big unmanned sub / drone bases

all along the coasts, if it wins WW3 !!!

Vorsicht bei Gesprächen! Feind hör

Mit solchen freunden braucht man keine feinde mehr !

даже Ливия и Египет интересная!

мы даем Африки до Китая,

и мы получаем поддержку

в другом месте !

Russia+China+Iran+allies win WW3 ???

by many "experts" on the question, by psychological and

cyber warfare geeks, by the warmongers of the military,

industrial, oil & gas complex worldwide !!!

Eisenhower Farewell Address

The Pentagon War Games

China + Middle-East allies can build

new islands around Cyprus to get

oil, gas, park migrants... These allies

2015 + Greece Turkey Lebanon Syria

say OK ???

Enfoirenoland and Trouduc-fils have screwed

all the NSA-ISNU big ears in Tangiers 2015,

talking about West Sahara, Marocaïne, drugs,

cortisone ... thru Royan, dropping Sarkoca in his

narco soup if a risk at next presidential election,

underwater bugging of the Strait, Strait bridge

or tunnel, Mossad views on Gibraltar, part in the

Mideast Soup, attacks in France, Sinai, Europe,

elsewhere ..., all that while driving around ???

Only half of it would have been a success ???

( Read further below at "Foirenoland" )

Y a eu Troudbal, maintenant c' est Houbal,

mais qui encule qui ???

After Vietnam, USA is already (2015-2017) losing

Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the whole Middle East,

and perhaps SEA too ???

Domino effect over stock markets crashes indirect

cause of start of quick process towards WW3 ???

Discussing the replacement of the US Dollar

as a Reserve Currency already before WW3,

a sign that "money monkeys" are doubting of

a US + Allies victory in WW3 ??? More by 2015

"Rats leaving the ship by 2015 ..." ???

Rats fears ???

A new Reserve Currency system for the world,

before or after US losing WW3 ???

A "Greater China" will access directly the

Indian Ocean, take the Himalaya, Afghanistan,

Indochina, Taiwan, South Chinese Sea,

conquer much of the Pacific, both Poles,

East Siberia until the Yenisei River, maybe

share its exploitation with Japan & a united

Korea, Russia ..., already in WW3 or in WW4 ???

A new North-South Korean conflict

escalate in a WW3 after 2015 ???

North Korea, on its own or as a proxy of China,

could attack directly and successfully USA when

ready with nukes, starting a WW3 or WW4 ???

War in SEA ???

A "Greater Caribbean" power emerges,

if the "Essequibo War" goes well,

whether in WW3 or WW4 ???

A new "Falkland-Malvinas war",

with Brazilian support ...,

or a Southern Atlantic + Chile

and Southern Africa + neighbours

peaceful economic cooperation ???

An Islamic alliance using immigration as

a "conquest weapon", from the Atlantic

to the Indian Ocean, if the NATO-Anglo-

Saxon alliance is beaten in WW3 or 4 ???

Israel by 2017, feeling threaten in its existence

by several "nuclearized" Middle East nations

(from Turkey, Egypt, Libya, Saudi ..., to Iran,

Pakistan), preventively nukes, or "neutronizes"

its neighbours, contaminating the whole Middle

East, inclusively the "Greater Israel", from

Euphrates-Tigris, Kurdistan, to Cyprus and the

Suez Canal, with the whole Jordan, Syria, Lebanon,

Irak, Koweit, Emirates, Gulf, Persia ..., that is to say

the oil, gas, mineral, and water rich parts of the region,

starting WW3 or 4, the US not having a shit to say about

that, ask war games makers, conspiracy theorists ???

Israel-Saudi Arabia secret plan to attack Iran ???

Iran Saudi war ???

by The Jerusalem Post (5 Jan 2016)

Al-Aqsa Mosque can be anytime bombed by air,

or exploded, or acid melted down, thru tunnels ???

All Palestinians "transferred" beyond the Jordan River

already at the beginning of a WW3 ???

In the Middle-East wars, all parties, US + Allies and

Russia + Allies, Al-Qaeda, Jihad, ISIS, IS, ISIL, JSIL,

Daesh, Caliphate, Al-Shabaab, Boko-Haram ...,

are 2015 proxies of Israel and the Military-Industrial-

Oil Complex, since at least 9/11, or decades before,

ask war games makers and conspiracy theorists ???

How many in Syria support Assad 2015 ???

How many support IS-ISIS-Daesh ... 2015 ???

Oil black market 2015

ISIS black markets

List of Islamic Terror Attacks in Europe

( 2001 - 2017 )

Stockholm Terror Attacks

( 2010 & 2017 )

Sign in Top of page Google Wikipedia

"Attacks in France",

and other attacks in Belgium, Germany,

Europe, Sinai ..., signal that the masters of

the "Middle-East war game" are not anymore

by 2015, or long before, the politicians in

Washington or Moscow, and definitely

not in France, but are in Israel, Saudi, Qatar,

Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Jordan ...,

+ many other places, including CIA, NATO,

Mossad, FSB ..., Intelligence Agencies ???

Monster cover up background :

The Kennedy, 9/11 ???

See also the following chapters :

18 - FOOD

19 - MONEY




Who created, already at the end of the 80s-90s,

and are today 2016 financing and manipulating


Caliphate ... ??? These "who" can today 2016

and on, attack anywhere worldwide, ask war

games makers, and conspiracy theorists ???

The next global objectives being, after 2015-16,

public buildings and structures, trains, bridges,

tunnels, dams, electrical power plants ...,

public and private corporations, big, medium,

and even small companies, largely where big

money is, and where the very profitable

"security business" is. It's to be tested in

Scandinavia among other places ???

It's a double hit, a political "gain" in general

strategic terms for IS-ISIS-ISIL-JSIL-Daesh-

Caliphate ..., with WW3 in view, and a juicy

increase for the "private security market",

globally, directly, immediately ???

"Attacks in France,

manipulations getting out of hands ???"

Political manipulation

Psychological manipulation

Psy Manip of terrorists

Disinformation MSB ( psyops4u )

Psy Manip under Sarkozy, Hollande ... ???

They knew it. "Sarkoca" turned against it,

and lost the power. "Foirenoland" couldn't even

get rid of foreign agents inside the Elysée ???

( Read above at Enfoirenoland )

Extremely serious charge

Christoph Hörstel videos ( Deutsch )

"La guerre civile arrive" ( Ivan Rioufol )

Attentats terroristes manipulations

( videos français )

For the 1st time in terrorism history in Europe,

( all media, Le Monde, E1, Le Figaro ... ),

an Israeli video, + video is made ???

Why a "manipulated" video, just from Israel ???


... the Embassies ..., SDAT ( do you think there

could be someone behind all these conspiracy

stories, at the highest level, inclusively for this

possibly illegal, unconstitutional, and even

criminal, written order on an official letter-head

and sealed missive of the French Republic ???

Maybe a falsified one ??? Made because too

many details can be seen or not seen on these

precise surveillance camera tapes on DVD ... ???

Copy of the DVD was originally requested by the

President of France, the day after the Nice-attack,

and sent to him personally ???

Political power in Paris, inclusively the President

of the Republic, wants now to dissimulate a clear

evidence of a foreign manipulation in this case ???

A French "Watergate" ???

Probably not. It will be covered up and then,

after a while, business as usual ???

These multiple French intelligence agencies

above, maybe 10-12, plus a number ( 70-90

in 2015 ) of "think tanks", opinion "bureaux",

political "circles", influential "movements",

interest "organizations", business "advisers",

informal branch "lobbies", defense "groups" ...,

some militarily structured as "action cells",

privately armed to the teeth, much with specific

foreign weapons, training in country or forest

"camps" - "bases", ready for violent clashes

against other social groups, and even for

a "take over" of the republic in Paris and

the main cities, all with a same obvious

recognizable and shared "attitude"

of "Aréopages maussades et prétentieux",

"arrogant" for the surest of their "superiority"

and infiltration of political, business, and social

life, don't know much about what's really going

on by themselves, if they don't have the

Mossad-France, Mossad-Maroc ...

right connections, who tell them what

they want, what to do, think, and say ???

The killer from Nice ( July 14, 2016 ), a delivery-

man who had never sent but small amounts of

money home, sent suddenly to his poor family

in Tunisia € 100000 3 days before the attack ???

A killer who could have been killed before the

attack, and sat dead on board a truck driven by

someone else, one else himself killed afterwards,

is a macabre idea of conspiracy theorists ???

An islamic terrorist killer who had accomplices,

and "anti-French", "semite", contacts, without

noticing it, probably "political" such ???

The killer, a naive guy who was manipulated by

agents working with some mighty organization,

without him even knowing it ??? ( Compare

with the Swedish case "Anna Lindh" killed in

hospital, a crime concealed by authorities ??? )

All murky "official" explanations and deeds are

the "smoking gun" of a foreign manipulation ???

Rule number 1 : "Follow the money",

as there is obviously money in this case ???

Later, in a near future, similar attacks ( DGSI ),

( Nice is at least the 5th recent case in France -

Toulouse, Charlie-HyperCacher, Bataclan-St Denis,

and in Belgium, and the "barbaric" ( Pope dixit )

attack ( 26th of July 2016 ) against the throat-cut

86-year-old priest in his Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray

catholic church in Rouen, France,

( "Saint Jacques Hamel", martyr ??? - question

asked here on July 28, 2016 ), near a Salafist

very radical mosque paid by Saudi Arabia and

others ... ???, the 6th case, as far as by July 2016 ),

are parts of a larger plan, with political-economical

chaos, and global change of rulers as a long term,

indirect agenda and consequence, spreading to

EU, Europe, and other parts of the world,

before, or starting a WW3, will be asking

war games makers, and conspiracy theorists ???

Or isn't it the big idea, chaos in EU, in Europe

+ Russia at large, and order in a partly emptied,

but well controlled Middle East ???

A brilliant war game idea anyway ???

Far fetched ??? Maybe not so far ???

"A Mossad-agent, boss of ISIS ???",

ask conspiracy theorists 2015 ???

"Gaddafi' s mother and grandmother

were jewish !!!" says Israel's media

and TV, so why not ???

"Mideast soup", with private military,

mercenary groups, in secret services'

gigantic common training ground, with

all sorts of black markets, arms smuggling,

cars and trucks, medicines, narcotics,

human organs trafficking, girls-boys sex-

slaves, labor and home slaves, gemstones,

diamonds, brown & white falcons, rare birds,

rare earths ..., anything with big bucks in it ...,

as well as global oil rival interests in black

markets, baksheesh culture, and black finance,

with Monsanto, Chevron, Barclays, GS ..., ask

war games makers, conspiracy theorists 2015 ???

Politicians no more bosses of politics,

just run current affairs in each country,

in each international useless bodies,

national governments, EU, UN ...

Real power in hands of secret services,

big agents, big financiers, big corporations,

NWO, Illuminati ..., according to war games

makers and conspiracy theorists 2015 ???

US + Allies, Russia + Allies, both favor

talks with Iran. Israel answers with more

of the "Mideast Soup", ask war games

makers and conspiracy theorists by 2015 ???

The big idea of a Greater Israel being to empty

as much as possible this area of its inhabitants

by war, poverty, exodus ..., sending them to Europe,

to make a later annexation and exploitation of

neighbors easier, say conspiracy theorists ???

A brilliant war game idea anyway,

if it works all the way long ... ???

Could position a "Greater Israel"

for winning WW3 or 4 ???

Real Big Questions and new War Games :

If badly damaged, most states, countries, societies, larger

communities, economic, business, and financial systems,

transport systems, communication systems ... ... ... ,

can make it, or not, at about this rate chart :

Damaged up to 40 %, partial survival in the midst of

mass immigration to the "North-Western Hemisphere",

in "classic-warfare", with much PSYOPS type of operations

( 2015 to 2030 ??? ).

From 40 to 70 %, absorption of the "whites" by the "blacks",

"grays", and "yellows", in the greater destructions of a WW3,

with "tact-nukes" and EMP ( 2030 to 2050 ??? ).

From 70 to 100 %, slow extinction to quick death of all colors,

with "strat-nukes", EMP, BIO, GAS, SARIN, VX, NB, WMD ...

( 2030 to 2100 ??? ).

In any case, the air of the entire planet will be affected for

millions of years !!!

Compare with Real Big Questions.

"Peace is recommended", not War

Space War by 2015 ???

Who dominates the Satellite Space and the Moon,

perhaps, or probably a "Yellow SEA-Indian Alliance",

can win WW4 and WW5 ???

Possible time line for the whole shit :

WW3 in the 1st half of the 21st century,

WW4 in the 2nd half of the 21st century,

WW5 in the 1st half of the 22nd century ... ???

Other outsiders and possible combinations ???



Cyber Warfare

at Google 2018 : cyber warfare

cyber warfare examples

types of cyber warfare

cyber warfare articles

cyber warfare history

cyber warfare attacks

cyber warfare india

causes of cyber warfare

cyber warfare pdf

Israel #1 in Cyber Security 2018

En français :

Attentats terroristes manipulations ( videos français )

Attentats terroristes services secrets manipulation récupération

Strasbourg : Théories du complot ( par Franceinfo )

Attentat de Strasbourg ( par Internaute )

" La logique de l'absurde, ou le plan de l'irrationnel ? "

La Guerre est un phénomène économique cyclique ?

La 2e Guerre Mondiale est la conséquence de la 1ère ?

Les Guerres Mondiales, un phénomène cyclique ?


( private meetings & photos by PAT in Château Chinon )

Réponses en privé : "Le nationalisme, c'est la guerre."

Sur l' Europe : "Je suis plutôt fédéraliste."

Sur la Monarchie en 1990 : "Le roi c'est moi."

En 1990, sur son rétablissement après lui :

"Resservez-moi donc de votre excellent Champagne 1982"

En français sur Google.fr 2015 : 3ème Guerre Mondiale

France can build NB (in English by the GCMQ)

Changement de système politique avant, pendant, après la 3ème GM

3ème GM : Réduction des concentrations d' immigration en Europe

La France dans le peloton de tête des armes electro-magnétiques

Scénario 3ème Guerre Mondiale

Vers une 3ème Guerre Mondiale (article de sept 2015)

Si 3ème GM, pas avant 2017 ? (article de juin 2015)

Média Alternatif - Chaos Contrôlé

Migrations, Islamisations

Les crises migratoires en Europe déclenchent la 3ème GM ?

"... la racaille ... au kärcher ..." (par Sarkozy)

Trouvé sur le Darknet, ceci est un exemple

parmi d'autres, de ce qui peut arriver dans

différents contextes de 3ème guerre mondiale

présentés sur ce site :

"C'en est fini de cette république en France,

suspension provisoire de l' État de droit,

Nouvelle Révolution en France, en Wallonie,

en Suisse Romande, et au Québec,

régie par décrets d'état, état d'exception,

de guerre, et de salut public, civil et militaire,

pour 5 ans d'abord, avec déchéance de

nationalité à priori pour 5 millions d'individus

malsains, indésirables, leur expulsion

manu militari en Guyane et aux îles Kerguelen entre autres,

réduction par domages collatéraux de 3 autres millions d'individus,

solide armement léger et semi-lourd classique

d'une large partie des citoyens de coeur

Français, Wallons, Suisses Romands, Québecois

restants, usage à discrétion par les militaires

de moyens en rapport avec ceux déployés en

la 3ème guerre mondiale ambiante inéluctable,

levée en masse et conscription masculine et

féminine, création de corps et unités spéciaux

adaptés à la situation avec armement ad hoc,

exterminations individuelles et destructions

matérielles in situ d'organisations néfastes,

reconversion en espaces verts des superficies

contaminées de toutes façons, rétablissement

de la peine de mort, applicable en large groupe

et par guillotine publique de préférence, mais

pas nécessairement, union avec d'autres états

européens et mondiaux agissant de même,

à bon entendeur, seul salut!

Le message est clair, indésirables,

tant qu'il est temps encor, déguerpissez!

Fait quelque part en France, en Wallonie,

en Suisse Romande, et au Québec,

le 16 Août 2016,

sur proposition unanime des 60 comités

secrets de salut public nationaux et

d'outremer NRF consultés avant

cette publication sur Darknet.

Vous avez été coopté au Comité de

Salut Public de .................................

Vous êtes d'accord, c'est bien, vous serez

contacté anonymement. Vous n'êtes pas

d'accord, tant pis, on fera sans vous.

Oui, hochez du chef simplement une fois

de haut en bas, dicrètement, et retournez

ce texte sans ajout. Non, ne dites rien, ne

repondez pas, jettez simplement ce texte."


Ukraine : Putin tells Russia's spy chief ...

video by BBC-news Feb 2022

ex-espion de la DGSE - 8 Mars 2022


à 20 minutes.fr par Oliver Mas et Thibaut Chevillard 2022




( Very paradoxically, many arms makers,

military procurement companies & businesses,

and even gun runners, are backing this site,

even when disagreeing with some of its views !!! )


Russian production of uranium in closed cities

Russian production uranium plutonium in closed cities

( latest reference Feb 25, 2022 )


References for all these works, research results,

and public material mentioned on this page,

are all directly linked to the names of their authors,

often and abundantly quoted on the Internet.

More info about these researchers and their works

at Google and other specialized Search Engines.

Anonymity info :

Onion routing

Tor (anonymity network)

Degree of anonymity

Cryptology ePrint Archive

Hash HashKeeper DHT ...

for a rather secure transmission of most scientific

written material and info, but NOT 100% !!!

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New internet systems on their way

At Google : Search for Google Special4u

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Top 100 sites by PAT at Angelfire

and many web creations originally written,

composed, & layouted by PAT from 1994

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