Travels with my Aunt (February 2013)

Travels with my Aunt

by Graham Greene

adapted by Giles Havergal

Performances: 12th to 16th February 2013

Directed by Peter Watson

The play is Giles Havergal's adaptation of the novel of the same name by Graham Greene. "Travels with my Aunt" starts with the meeting of retired banker, Henry Pulling, and his long lost, but formidable, Aunt Augusta and follows their path across Europe and even further afield where Henry begins to realise that there is more to life, and to Aunt Augusta, than he had first thought. Henry gives up his reserved, suburban, world for one of adventure, crime and exotic locations. There are also some highly unusual and life changing revelations about Aunt Augusta - but to say more would spoil the story.

Cast and Crew

Val Smith Aunt Augusta

Peter Watson Henry Pulling - a retired Bank Manager

Taxi Driver

Colonel Hakim - a Turkish Policeman

David Brown Henry Pulling

Richard Pulling - Henry’s father

O’Toole - a CIA operative

Miss Keene - a spinster with ambitions

Frau General Schmidt - a German Officer’s wife

Estelle Hughes Henry Pulling

Wordsworth - Aunt Augusta’s black “companion”


Hatty - a clairvoyant

Miss Paterson - a lonely exile

Detective Sergeant Sparrow - a Policeman

Mr Visconti - an Italian businessman and Aunt Augusta’s lover

Spanish Gentleman

Caroline Papp Girl in Jodhpurs

Hotel Receptionist


Tooley - a young American hippy

Turkish Policeman

Italian Girl - a lady of easy virtue

Yolanda - teenage daughter of the Chief of Police

Alvaro Moreno Voice of Spanish Gentleman

Stage Manager - Sheila Dove

Prompt - Barry Baynton

Sound/Digital Images - Joanne Guess

Lighting - John Hewinson

Technical Support - Steve Hawker

Costume/Props/ASM - Mar Godfrey, Moira Hawey, Rod Chapman

Set Design - Peter Watson

FOH Co-ordinator - Maxine Masson